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Developer API

EnvoysDev edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 1 revision


The developer API is currently not working. I do not believe anyone has written any addons for Envoys, however, if you wish to use it please contact me and I will prioritise fixing it.

Developer API

I've created a completely comprehensive developer API to allow developers to customise how Envoys works. Envoys is not written in Java, but a JVM language called Kotlin (you should check it out!). It has complete interoperability with Java, which means even if you don't use Kotlin, you'll still be able to use the Envoys API. However, the example documentation that I have written is in Kotlin.


import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.Location
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler
import org.bukkit.event.Listener

class Example: Listener {

    @EventHandler fun onEnvoySpawn(e: EnvoySpawnEvent) {
        e.isRandomLocation // True if the envoy is a random location envoy, as opposed to an envoy created through /envoys create
        e.items // List of contents in the envoy. It's mutable so you can add and remove contents as you like
        e.location // The location where the envoy will be spawned
        e.tier // The tier of the envoy
        e.isCancelled = true // Cancel the spawning of an envoy

            EnvoySpawnEvent#items returns a mutable list of EnvoyContent.
            There are classes that extend EnvoyContent, EnvoyItem and EnvoyCommand.
            An EnvoyItem represents an ItemStack that can be added to an envoy. Whereas an EnvoyCommand represents a command reward that is applied when the envoy opens.
        e.items.forEach { content ->
            if(content is EnvoyItem) {
                content.getItemStack() // Get the ItemStack instance for the content
            else if(content is EnvoyCommand) {
                content.commands // Returns a string list of all commands in this reward

        val config = EnvoysAPI.getConfig() // Returns an instance of the config wrapper // Save the config
        config.config // Get the YamlConfiguration instance
        config.getList(key = "contents.tiers.tier1.items", default = mutableListOf()) // Gets a list from the config
        config.getGenericOrNull<Int>(key = "config-version") // Gets a value from the config of type Int. If the value does not exist, or is invalid, null will be returned
        config.getGeneric(key = "config-version", default = 43) // Gets a value from the config of type Int. If the value does not exist, or is invalid, the default value that was specified (43) will be returned

        val data = EnvoysAPI.getData() // Returns an instance of the data file wrapper. It has the same methods as Config.

        val tierManager = EnvoysAPI.getTierManager() // Returns an instance of the tier manager
        tierManager.loadTiers() // Loads all tiers from the config, done on startup
        tierManager.clearTiers() // Clears the internal list of tiers
        tierManager.getTierByName(name = "tier1") // Gets an instance of a tier by name
        tierManager.getTiers() // Gets a list of all tiers
        val tier = tierManager.selectRandomTier() // Selects a random tier from a specified list, or defaults to all tiers

        val em = EnvoysAPI.getEnvoyManager() // Gets an instance of the envoy manager
        val nextId = em.getNextID() // Returns the next available envoy ID
        val newEnvoy = PredefinedEnvoy(id = nextId, tier = tier, isRandomLocation = false, location = Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) // Creates an instance of a predefined envoy

        em.addPredefinedEnvoy(newEnvoy) // Registers a predefined envoy
        em.addActiveEnvoy(newEnvoy) // Adds an envoy to the internal list of the envoys on the ground so that other internal processes can use it
        em.clearActiveEnvoys() // Clears the list of envoys that are on the ground
        em.getActiveEnvoyAtLocation(location = Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) // Gets an instance of an envoy that is currently on the ground at a current location
        em.getAllActiveEnvoys() // Returns a list of all envoys that are currently on the ground
        em.getOpenTime(newEnvoy) // Returns the epoch timestamp of when an envoy was open
        em.isOpened(newEnvoy) // Whether an envoy on the ground has been opened
        em.setOpened(newEnvoy) // Registers that an envoy has been opened
        em.loadPredefinedEnvoys() // Load envoys from the config
        em.loadActiveEnvoys() // Load envoys from the data file
        em.removePredefinedEnvoy(newEnvoy) // Remove an envoy
        em.removeActiveEnvoy(newEnvoy) // Register that an envoy that was previously on the ground no longer exists

        val hm = EnvoysAPI.getHologramManager()
        hm.loadHolograms() // Loads holograms from the data file
        hm.encodeHologram(location = Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), text = listOf("Hologram", "Message")) // Encodes a hologram so that it can be stored
        hm.decodeHologram(string = "") // Decodes an envoy that was stored
        hm.createHologram(loc = Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), text = "&bAn Envoy") // Creates an envoy at a location
        hm.removeHologram(newEnvoy) // Removes hologram that belongs to an envoy
        hm.removeHologram(loc = Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), radius = 5.0) // Remove a hologram (that was created by the Envoys plugin) in a certain radius to a location
        hm.clearHolograms() // Delete all holograms

        val im = EnvoysAPI.getItemManager()
        im.loadContents() // Load envoy contents from the config
        im.clearContents() // Clears the internal register of envoy contents
        im.getAllContents() // Returns a list of all possible envoy contents
        im.getContentByName(name = "my_item") // Returns an instance of an EnvoyContent by name