This repository contains code for our paper:
Accelerating Certified Robustness Training via Knowledge Transfer
Pratik Vaishnavi, Kevin Eykholt, Amir Rahmati
author = {Vaishnavi, Pratik and Eykholt, Kevin and Rahmati, Amir},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
title = {Accelerating Certified Robustness Training via Knowledge Transfer},
year = {2022}
Step 1: Set a environment variable
to the location of your project home directory. -
Step 2: Get code and install dependencies:
git clone
conda create -n crt python=3.7
conda activate crt
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Installs PyTorch version 1.9 with with CUDA 11.1; see for the correct command for your system
- Step 3: Download all required data and place it inside
The CIFAR10 dataset will download automatically.
For downloading the ImageNet dataset, see instructions here.
At the end of the setup process, the $PROJ_HOME
will have the following structure:
├── crt-neurips22 (code)
├── data
│ ├── CIFAR10
│ │ └── cifar-10-batches-py
│ │ ├── data_batch_1
│ │ ├── data_batch_2
│ │ ├── data_batch_3
│ │ ├── data_batch_4
│ │ └── test_batch
│ └── imagenet
│ ├── train
│ └── val
└── checkpoints //will be created automatically to store model checkpoints
└── crt
CRT is a general-purpose method for accelerating randomized smoothing based methods for training certifiably robust NNs. To train a NN (like ResNet110) using CRT on CIFAR-10, follow these steps:
- Step 1: Train a small teacher network (like ResNet20) to be certifiably robust using a state-of-the-art method (like SmoothMix).
- Step 2: Train the student network (ResNet110) using CRT:
python --gpu 0 --config configs/cifar/xfer.yml
Please appropriately set the parameters in the config file. See Config File for more details.
The certification script is based on the one from the MACER repo. To certify the robustness of a smoothed classifier, set the load_path
in the config file and run:
python --gpu 0 --config configs/cifar/xfer.yml --do-certify
This will load the base classifier saved at path provided at load_path
, smooth it using noise level noise_sd
(also in the config file),
and certify with parameters N0=100
, N=100000
, and alpha=0.001
For CIFAR-10, the entire test set will be used. For ImageNet, 500 test images will be used.
We provide example config files for both CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. It is described below:
method: 'xfer' => don't change
arch: 'resnet20' => student architecture
noise_sd: 0.25 => noise level (sigma)
exp_id: '' => (optional) unique identifier for experiment
t_arch: 'resnet110' => teacher architecture
t_loadpath: '/path/to/teacher/checkpoint.pth.tar' => load path for teacher checkpoint
alpha: 1.0 => weight for transfer loss (we use 1). cross entropy loss gets weight of 1 - alpha.
epochs: 200
lr: 0.1
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0001
lr_scheduler: 'multistep'
resume: False => to resume training, set this to true and provide load path below.
resume_ckpt: ''
dataset: 'cifar'
num_classes: 10
batch_size: 128
test_batch_size: 1000
workers: 4
load_path: '' => to perform certification, provide load path here and pass --do-certify flag with
start_img: 0
skip: 1
beta: 1.0
certify_interval: 1
certify_after: 200