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Springboard Foundations of Data Science - Capstone Project Repository

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Proposal for Dish-Driven Restaurant Recommendations

To improve the ability of Yelp's search engine to suggest relevant restaurants based on a user's favourite dish. Currently, the results for a dish query favour highly-rated Chinese restaurants whose reviews might contain the individual keyword (e.g. 'noodles') but do not match the dish (e.g. 'ee-fu noodles'). Yelp publishes an updated academic dataset of business listings, anonymous user information, images and review texts for the Yelp Dataset Challenge - this is the data source for my project.

Please see the full report published on Rpubs:


Download Data

  • Download the JSON files from Yelp into your working directory
    • You can find the data here.
    • You will have to register with Yelp before downloading.
    • For this project, you will only need to analyse the Business and Review files.
  • Read the downloaded JSON files into R
    • Run stream_in from the 'jsonlite' package
    • Highly recommend to re-save in .Rds format using saveRDS; reading .Rds format using readRDS is significantly faster than reading JSON format and will make future sessions more efficient.

Package Requirements

  • Install the following packages
    • dplyr
    • tidyr
    • ggplot2
    • jsonlite
    • stringr
    • qdap
    • scales
    • tm
    • SnowballC, followed by the statement update.packages("tm", checkBuilt = TRUE)

File Descriptions


  • CODE

    • Yelp.R - Main R code for exploration, cleaning and text mining
    • Sentiment_scoring.R - Supplementary R code for sentiment analysis of restaurant reviews (*future work*)
    • server.R - R code for Shiny app backend to lookup restaurant names with the user inputs from ui.R
    • ui.R - R code for the Shiny app user interface that defines user inputs and page layout

    • Mysteries of the Yelp Orient - Project Report.pdf - Full narrative containing analysis, findings and code snippets
    • Mysteries of the Yelp Orient - Presentation.pdf - Keynote deck summarising project


No releases published


No packages published
