How to build this skeleton app from scracth
Install the express js generator
npm install -g express-generator
Run generator and when promoted press y
Install all dependencies
npm i
Start server in development mode
DEBUG=expressjs-sample:* npm start
Go to https://localhost:3000
within your web browser
create the following files:
NodeCommand: "npm start"
/public: /public
When uploading to Elastic Beanstalk zip the contents of the root project
folder and include .ebextensions
. Excluding .git
since this could
contain sensitive credentials.
Show your hidden files and folders
Omitting .ebextensions
is the most common reason for failed
deployments to Elastic Beanstalk
You may need to show all hidden files and folders. On OSX you can view all hidden files and folders by pressing Command + Shift + .
Space background borrowed from here: