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Express Gateway Running on Kubernetes in Triton Cloud

Kubernetes Setup on Triton

In this guide, we will start a simple 2 worker node Kubernetes install that runs on Triton Cloud.

NOTE: This package has been tested on Linux/OSX.


In order to start running Triton K8s Supervisor, you must create a Triton account and install the Triton CLI, Ansible, wget, and the Kubernetes CLI.

Triton is our container-native and open source cloud, which we will use to provide the infrastructure required for your Kubernetes cluster.

Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve production infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned. We use Terraform to provision virtual machines, set up root access, and install python.

Ansible is an IT automation tool that enables app deployment, configuration management and orchestration. We are using Ansible to install pre-reqs (including supported version of docker-engine), create Kubernetes environment and set up Kubernetes cluster.

Install Triton

In order to install Triton, first you must have a Triton account. As a new user you will recieve a $250 credit to enable you to give Triton and Kubernetes a test run, but it's important to add your billing information and add an ssh key to your account. If you need instructions for how to generate and SSH key, read our documentation.

  1. Install Node.js and run npm install -g triton to install Triton CLI.
  2. triton uses profiles to store access information. You'll need to set up profiles for relevant data centers.
    • triton profile create will give a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create a profile.
    • Choose a profile to use for your Kubernetes Cluster.
  3. Get into the Triton environment with eval $(triton env <profile name>).
  4. Run triton info to test your configuration.


Terraform will be downloaded automatically under the <eg-k8s-triton-demo>/bin/ directory.

Install Ansible

There are many ways to install Ansible, but the simplest would be to use Python package manager (pip). If you don’t already have pip installed, install it:

sudo easy_install pip

Ansible by default manages machines over SSH and requires Python 2.6 or 2.7 to be installed on all the hosts.

Install Ansible:

sudo pip install ansible

Once done, you can run ansible to test your installation. You should see a list of usage commands that looks like the following:

$ ansible
Usage: ansible <host-pattern> [options]

                        module arguments
  --ask-vault-pass      ask for vault password
  -B SECONDS, --background=SECONDS
                        run asynchronously, failing after X seconds
  -C, --check           don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some
                        of the changes that may occur
  -D, --diff            when changing (small) files and templates, show the
                        differences in those files; works great with --check

Install wget

Install wget for the system you are on:

# OS X using brew
brew install wget

# Debian/Ubuntu
apt-get install wget

yum install wget

Install the Kubernetes CLI

There are different ways to install kubectl, but the simplest way is via curl:

# OS X
curl -LO$(curl -s

# Linux
curl -LO$(curl -s

# Windows
curl -LO$(curl -s

Starting Kubernetes Cluster

Download the eg-k8s-triton-demo repo and run

$ git clone
Cloning into 'eg-k8s-triton-demo'...
$ cd eg-k8s-triton-demo
$ ./

Follow the on screen instructions answering questions about the cluster. You can use the default by pressing “Enter”/”Return” key.

Setup Questions

Name your Kubernetes environment: (k8s dev)
Describe this Kubernetes environment: (k8s dev)
Would you like HA for Kubernetes Cluster Manager (+3 VMs) (yes | no)?
Run Kubernetes Management Services on dedicated nodes (+3 VMs for etcd, +3 VMs for K8s services - apiserver/scheduler/controllermanager...) (yes | no)?
Hostname of the master: (kubemaster)
Enter a string to use for appending to hostnames of all the nodes: (kubenode)
How many nodes should this Kubernetes cluster have: (1) 2
What networks should the master be a part of, provide comma separated values: (31428241-4878-47d6-9fba-9a8436b596a4)
What networks should the nodes be a part of, provide comma separated values: (31428241-4878-47d6-9fba-9a8436b596a4)
What KVM package should the master and nodes run on: (14b6fade-d0f8-11e5-85c5-4ff7918ab5c1)

After verification of the entries, setup will provide a Kubernetes environment on triton that will be set up as below:

without HA with HA
1x2 architecture 1x2 architecture

For a more detailed guide and how the automation works, click here.

Express Gateway Demo

Initial setup

  1. Set up kubeconfig

    • Find the Rancher Kubernetes controller's dashboard - by looking up the kubemaster IP address in the Compute/Instances menu on the Triton console web page
    • Go to http://<kubernetes controller ip>:8080
    • On the Rancher page, click the Environmentsdrop down box (🏡 Default) to show the k8s dev environment
    • Download the kubectl configuration at the top into ~/.kube/config - note: remove this file after you are done with this exercise to clear your kubectl context
  2. Deploy redis and the redis service

    kubectl apply -f redis.yml
  3. Deploy the gateway configuration

    kubectl apply -f gateway-config.yml
  4. Deploy the gateway

    kubectl apply -f express-gateway.yml

Change configuration

  1. Edit gateway-config.yml to your liking.

  2. Change the following value in express-gateway.yml:


    This is necessary to let Kubernetes know that the ConfigMap has changed.

  3. Push changes:

    kubectl apply -f gateway-config.yml -f express-gateway.yml

Access the gateway

  • Use IP of any worker node in the cluster
  • HTTP port will be 31000
  • Admin port will be 31001


Access via eg CLI:

EG_ADMIN_URL="" eg users create

Remove EG demo in Kubernetes

kubectl delete service express-gateway
kubectl delete deployment express-gateway
kubectl delete configmap gateway-config
kubectl delete service redis
kubectl delete deployment redis


Express Gateway Demo Running in Kubernetes on Triton






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