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FINT Arkiv Case Defaults

Library for declaring defaults for cases, used by various Arkiv adapters.

Properties declared under<casetype> will define default values applied by the adapter if these values have not been set by the client.

Case Types

  • tilskuddfartoy
  • tilskuddfredabygningprivateie
  • personalmappe
  • soknaddrosjeloyve
  • dispensasjonautomatiskfredakulturminne

Properties for each case type

  • title (see TitleService below)
  • field (see AdditionalFieldService below)
  • administrativEnhet
  • journalenhet
  • arkivdel
  • saksansvarlig
  • noekkelord
  • klassifikasjon (see Classifications below)
  • saksstatus
  • korrespondansepartType
  • journalpostType
  • journalstatus (or journalpost(*))
  • saksbehandler
  • dokumentstatus
  • dokumentType
  • format
  • variantFormat
  • tilknyttetRegistreringSom
  • skjermingskontekst
  • tilgangsrestriksjon
  • skjermingshjemmel
  • saksmappeType

(*) From version 4.1.0 it's supported to declare different journalstatuses for different journalposttypes.



(If you're happy with one status to rule them all, just keep on using journalstatus e.g. If journalstatus is declared, the journalpost will be ignored.)

How to implement in adapter

  1. Add compile('no.fint:fint-arkiv-case-defaults:+') to build.gradle
  2. Extend CaseDefaultsService with adapter-specific features
  3. Add a @Service which implements LinkResolver
  4. Invoke the extended service in the handlers

Property expansion using Apache Commons Beanutils

In the sections below, the pattern ${name} indicates that the strings support parameter substitution with the help of org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils.getProperty(). Unfortunately, the project's Javadoc does not provide concrete examples of usage, but have a look at for some examples.

Resolving links to other resources

The property lookup also supports following links to other resources, so information can be retrieved from the target of these links.

Projects using this library must have a @Service which implements LinkResolver for this to work.

The syntax for this linked property is as follows:

  • ${link$}

This can be done in a nested manner, where the right-hand side of # contains another link$xxx#yyy expression.


  • On Saksmappe, ${link$arkivdel#tittel} would resolve to the tittel attribute of the Arkivdel resource linked.
  • On Saksmappe, ${link$saksansvarlig#link$tilgang#link$rolle#navn} would resolve to the role name of the responsible person, following the links from Saksmappe via Arkivressurs and Tilgang to Rolle.

NOTE: In earlier versions (until 3.1.0) we used colon as delimiter (i.e. link:) so beware of that when upgrading!


This service formats titles for cases for different case types based on case properties, as well as title prefixes for records and documents.
It is bidirectional, meaning case properties can be parsed and applied from the title.

This is controlled by the following properties:


Properties in the ${name} format will be evaluated and parsed.

How to implement in adapter

  1. Add compile('no.fint:fint-arkiv-case-defaults:+') to build.gradle
  2. @Autowired TitleService in case mapping code.
  3. Writing:
    • Invoke getCaseTitle() on TitleMapper to create case title.
    • Invoke getRecordTitlePrefix() and getDocumentTitlePrefix() to obtain prefixes for records and documents.
  4. Reading: Invoke parseCaseTitle() on TitleMapper to apply case properties from the case title.
    • This method returns true if the case title matched the expected pattern.


Løyve drosje - ${tittel} - ${organisasjonsnummer}


Løyve drosje - Centro Taxi AS - 222333444

Formatting titles using Spring Expression Language (SpEL)

As an alternative to the ${name} format, titles can also be formatted using #{expression} statements. See for a language reference.

Combining ${name} and #{expression} statements in the same string results in undefined behavior.


Use this service to apply custom attributes (additional fields) in the system specific objects to / from case attributes.

This is controlled by properties of the format<casetype>.field.<customField> where the property value is in ${name} format.

This is also bidirectional, meaning custom fields are parsed and applied to case attributes.


Classifications are controlled by the following sets of properties:


Where <KEY> determines sorting order - 1 for primary classification, 2 for secondary classification, etc. ordning is the ID of the Klassifikasjonssystem the classifications is within. verdi is the classification value, and tittel the classification title (or description). These support the same ${name} interpolation values as titles and additional fields referred above.

Metadata Coding System Mapping

This library also provides mapping functionality for metadata that is specified by Noark. Refer to Arkivverket's metadata catalog at for definition of codes.

Configure using properties within<metadata>.<code>, where the property value is the code or ID used by the implementing system to represent this coding value.

The metadata attributes supported are:

  • saksstatus
  • journalstatus
  • dokumentstatus
  • journalposttype
  • dokumenttype
  • klassifikasjonstype (*)
  • korrespondanseparttype
  • tilknyttetRegistreringSom
  • partRolle
  • tilgangsrestriksjon
  • skjermingshjemmel
  • skjermingMetadata (*)
  • skjermingDokument (*)
  • gradering
  • filformat
  • variantFormat

(Note that the ones marked (*) are not yet implemented)

The defined codes can be found in noark-metadata.json.

Missing mappings will be logged on application startup. If is true, a fatal exception will be thrown if any mappings are missing.

To perform metadata mapping, invoke CodingSystemService.mapCodingSystemLinks(FintLinks resource) on the resources before submitting to the implementing system. NOTE: This is done automatically by CaseDefaultsService.

Furthermore, to expose the standard coding system values, use the functions in NoarkMetadataService.