Vim be good is a plugin designed to make you better at vim by creating a game to practice basic movements in.
and tunes
- Read Installation instructions carefully. There has been some confusion around that.
- The code is a heaping pile of awfulness. It was developed live on Twitch, which means I did not carefully think through anything other than memes.
- If you are looking to extend it I am about to do a refactor in the next couple of weeks to improve the current codebase and make a simplier contributor model.
The difficulty only works on a few games for now.
Please submit a ticket for your idea!!!
By default vim be good uses a floating buffer. If you wish to have it use the
current buffer (only if its empty) set vim_be_good_floating
to 0.
let g:vim_be_good_floating = 0
By default vim be good returns random offset for game difficult above noob, if
you with to set fixed offset set vim_be_good_delete_me_offset
to desired
let g:vim_be_good_delete_me_offset = 35
here too!
To play relative
you need to delete the line that
. Use relative jumps
To play ci{
you need to replace the contents
inside the first { or [ with bar. HINT, use ci[
or ci{ and type bar.
To play whackamole
you need to navigate to the character with the caret under
it as fast as possible. Once you have reached the character, flip the
character's case to complete the round.
- Use your favorite plugin manager to install! Only works on Nvim, the one true vim.
Plug 'ThePrimeagen/vim-be-good', {'do': './'}
Windows 10 - PowerShell Requirements: Git for Windows BASH emulation NodeJs
Plug 'ThePrimeagen/vim-be-good', {'do': '.\'}
- Then execute
to finish the installation process.
If you run into any problems when running the :UpdateRemotePlugins
run :checkhealth
to check if your vim is node ready.
- If healthcheck fails node ready you need to install neovim.
# I am sorry for the global install
npm install -g neovim
Before doing ANYTHING at all, make sure you are in an empty file. If the file you are in is not empty, VimBeGood will throw an error.
Ok, you are in an empty file, so first execute the following.
This will echo out the available set of games. Each game can take a set of options to change how it is played, the above help menu should include each game.
Please make an issue if you have a command you wish to practice and i'll make it into game!!
Everything you see here has been developed on stream at ThePrimeagen. Stop by and troll away. Helpful troll hints would be to complement the size of my hands.
Please file an issue. But if you do, please run the logger first and paste in the input.
NVIM_NODE_LOG_FILE=nvim.log nvim
-- this should print out all the
console.log's that come with vim-be-good. And it should give ThePrimeagen an
idea of how to stop sucking
- Fork
- Create a feature branch
- Make changes
- Build
npm i && npm run build && nvim --headless -c ":UpdateRemotePlugins" -c ":qa"
- Modify the configuration to use local build:
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug '/tmp/vim-be-good' " path to your vim-be-good fork
call plug#end()
- Check your new feature
NVIM_NODE_LOG_FILE=/tmp/nvim.log nvim +VimBeGood
(you can view logs withless /tmp/nvim.log
) - Make PR