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Django Super Template

Focus on code not on configuration.

Out of the box production ready setup for:


Step 1: Clone and install

git clone
mv django-super-template server
cd server
cp secrets.example.json secrets.json
chmod +x

Step 2: Secure

Obtain RSA key pair from: and paste them in config/keys/private.key and config/keys/public.key

Step 3: Edit secrets.json

    • SECRET_KEY: Secret key used by django. Generate new secret key (here)[].
    • DEBUG, PRODUCATION: See modes
    • ALLOWED_HOST: For development is always ['*'] regardless of the settings. For production chose two host amd If you want you can change sub-domains in __config__/
  • CLIENTS: Regex pattern for your API Client base url. This is CORS whitelist.
  • DB: Postgres database settings
  • TEST_USER: Create a test user by ./ create-test-user with credentials provided here.
  • TASK_QUEUE: Celery task broker message queue, redis is preferred as message broker but you can customise according to requirements.
  • CHANNEL_DB: Temporary data base used by channels to store messages. Redis is preferred.
  • AWS:
    • S3:
      • BUCKET_NAME: S3Bucket name where media and static file will be stored in production.
      • REGION: S3Bucket Region
      • STATIC_FOLDER: Key prefix for storing static files in S3
      • MEDIA_FOLDER: Key prefix for storing media files in S3
    • USER:
      • ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: respective key provide by AWS IAM user for programmatic access.
    • CDN: Cloud front domains for S3 bucket
      • PRIMARY: Custom domain name for Cloudfront CDN
      • SECONDARY: Another domain name for Cloudfront CDN. NOTE: SECONDARY will not be used any where.

Step 4: Run servers

Run these server in separate terminals

  • Postgres
  • Django ./ runserver
  • Redis redis-server
  • Celery celery worker -l info -A __config__

Step 5: Test

There are total 9 passing test with 0 errors and 0 failure.

./ test

Also open WebSocket browser test to confirm that websocket is running correctly.

If all the tests are not passing then there is some configuration issue in secrets.json or some server has not been started.


There are three modes in the project:

  • Development: Used for development environment (DEBUG=True, PRODUCTION=False)
  • Staging: When testing deployment to AWS. You can see logs and trails of project (DEBUG=True, PRODUCTION=True)
  • Production: When deploying final production application.

Secrets in CI/CD

Normally any CI/CD will need all the secrets defined in secrets.json but coming this file to version control is not safe. We created a utility for commit secrets to version control in safe way.
A dump file will be created with AES encryption to protect secrets.

./ -g

You can use --generate to generate random keys.

usage: [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-e] [-g]
                  [--public-key PUBLIC_KEY] [--private-key PRIVATE_KEY]

Creates encrypted secrets file which can be committed to repo or can be used
in CI/CD.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input file path to be encrypted
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file path
  -e, --use-env         Use environment variable
  -g, --generate        Generate random strong Public key and Private key
  --public-key PUBLIC_KEY
                        Public key of 16 character
  --private-key PRIVATE_KEY
                        Private key which can be of 16, 24, 32 character