A simple REST HTTP server that will parse FirebirdSQL query and return response in JSON format.
npm install -g firebird-rest
Usage: firebird-rest [options]
--port Port that app listens to (default: 4444)
--h Firebird host (default: "localhost")
--p Firebird port (default: 3050)
--db Firebird database path (default:"")
--u Firebird User (default: "SYSDBA")
--pw User password (default: "masterkey")
--r User role (default: null)
This package is preconfigured to listen on TCP port 4444, however, you can specify any port you want with --port
flag. If you do that, make sure you add that port to the list of accessible ports in firewall settings.
For testing purposes you can use:
- Postman
command from the console- your browser by pointing it to:
http://localhost:<port>/?sql=<your sql query>
~ $ firebird --db /opt/firebird/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb
[1]+ Stopped firebird --db /opt/firebird/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb
~ $ bg
[1]+ firebird --db /opt/firebird/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb &
~ $ curl 'http://localhost:4444' -d sql='select * from country' -L
[{"COUNTRY":"USA","CURRENCY":"Dollar"},{"COUNTRY":"England","CURRENCY":"Pound"},{"COUNTRY":"Canada","CURRENCY":"CdnDlr"},{"COUNTRY":"Switzerland","CURRENCY":"SFranc"},{"COUNTRY":"Japan","CURRENCY":"Yen"},{"COUNTRY":"Italy","CURRENCY":"Lira"},{"COUNTRY":"France","CURRENCY":"FFranc"},{"COUNTRY":"Germany","CURRENCY":"D-Mark"},{"COUNTRY":"Australia","CURRENCY":"ADollar"},{"COUNTRY":"Hong Kong","CURRENCY":"HKDollar"},{"COUNTRY":"Netherlands","CURRENCY":"Guilder"},{"COUNTRY":"Belgium","CURRENCY":"BFranc"},{"COUNTRY":"Austria","CURRENCY":"Schilling"},{"COUNTRY":"Fiji","CURRENCY":"FDollar"}]
~ $ fg
firebird --db /opt/firebird/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb
Charset for database connection is always UTF-8. Node is unicode, no matter if your database is using another charset to store string or blob, Firebird will transliterate automatically. This is why you should use Firebird 2.5 server at least.
Firebird's new wire protocol is not supported yet, so for Firebird 3.0 you need to add the following in firebird.conf
AuthServer = Legacy_Auth
WireCrypt = Disabled
To run with PM2 and watchdog run the following commands:
npm i pm2 -g
pm2 install ma-zal/pm2-watchdog
pm2 set pm2-watchdog:url-firebird-rest
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
Logs will be available in ~.pm2\logs