The ezrassor_sim_description
package contains the xacro description for the ezrassor robot and spawns a new robot into a running Gazebo simulation.
ros2 launch ezrassor_sim_description [argument:=value]
optional arguments:
x [lowercase] float value representing the spawn value for the robot along the x axis in Gazebo (default 0.0)
y [lowercase] float value representing the spawn value for the robot along the y axis in Gazebo (default 0.0)
z [lowercase] float value representing the spawn value for the robot along the z axis in Gazebo (default 0.0)
R [UPPERCASE] float value representing the spawn roll degree for the robot in Gazebo (default 0.0)
P [UPPERCASE] float value representing the spawn pitch degree for the robot in Gazebo (default 0.0)
Y [UPPERCASE] float value representing the spawn yaw degree for the robot in Gazebo (default 0.0)
robot_name string value for the unique name of the robot, used for topic name and namespace (default ezrassor)
model string value for the full path of the robot xacro file (default ezrassor_sim_description/urdf/ezrassor.xacro)
Launch the Gazebo client with the name ezrassor_1
# First launch Gazebo and then spawn the robot with the controller manager
ros2 launch ezrassor_sim_gazebo
ros2 launch ezrassor_sim_description robot_name:=ezrassor_1
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