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For a hobby project with my Arduino, i tried to use Johnny-Five. Because i wanted to use Kotlin, i created some KotlinJs wrapper.

The wrappers are not 100% complete, because i can't test all components. These are some components that i tried:

  • Piezo
  • Servo
  • Led
  • Button

When you have ideas for improvements, please write a GitHub issue.

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How to use

  1. Prepare your Board

    You need to install StandardFirmataPlus firmware to your board.

    Check the johnny-five documentation for more information

    Here is the instruction for Arduino:

    • Install and open Arduino IDE
    • Verify correct port and board
    • Navigate to File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmataPlus
    • Load sketch onto board.
    • If the upload was successful, the board is now prepared and you can close the Arduino IDE.
  2. Create a new KotlinJS Project with NodeJs

kotlin {
   js(IR) {
         nodejs {}
       sourceSets {
           val jsMain by getting {
               dependencies {

You also need to add this to your build.gradle.kts, otherwise you will get compile errors: "Error: Could not locate the bindings file"

rootProject.plugins.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.yarn.YarnPlugin> {
rootProject.the<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.yarn.YarnRootExtension>().ignoreScripts = false
  1. Create a new Kotlin file and write your code
fun main() {
   val LED_BUILTIN = 13
   val board = Board()

   board.onReady {
      val led = Led(LED_BUILTIN)


      onExit {
  1. You can then run build to compile the code
./gradlew build
  1. You will find the compiled code in your build folder e.g. for the demo ( project it would be ./build/compileSync/js/main/productionExecutable/kotlin/demo

Use Node to run the compiled code:

node ./build/compileSync/js/main/productionExecutable/kotlin/demo

You should see something like this in your terminal:

👷 Development Project Structure

  • wrapper - contains the KotlinJs wrappers for johnny-five
  • demo - Demo project using johnny-five with Kotlin/JS