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In this project I am interested in classifying if existing vessels have the option of using alternative fuels based on vessel specific features.

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Predicting Alternative Fuel Usage with Random Forests

Author: Franz Maximilian Buchmann

Date: 20.09.2020

Executive Summary

The use of alternative fuels is seen as one of the main levers for decarbonizing maritime transport and a lot of resources are devoted in fostering their adoption and development. In this project, I am interested in predicting if already existing vessels have the option to use alternative based on their ship specific design parameters. For the task, the random forests machine learning algorithm is used to classify if a ship uses alternative fuels or not. To deal with the class imbalances in the binary outcome variable a down-sampling strategy is applied and missing values in the predictors are imputed by the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm. To find the random forest model with the best predictive power, I tune the hyperparameters by applying a simple grid search and evaluate the models’ performance with a 5-fold cross validation. Since this process requires to train 50 random forests with a 1000 decision trees each, I parallelize the training process. Lastly, I evaluate the best performing random forest on the test set, visualize the results, and assess the importance of the individual predictors. The final random forest model is able to predict correctly the vessels using alternative fuels with roughly 90% accuracy and looks promising for the classifying new unseen data. From a maritime perspective, the identified high importance of the length (LOA) is a surprising results, which could motivate a more thorough investigation of the ship designs of vessels already using alternative fuels.

Data and Initial Observations

As a first step, let us have a look at the data. Note that the IMO number is omitted in the output for disclosure reasons.

## Rows: 9,860
## Columns: 11
## $ efficiency.index     <fct> EIV, EIV, EIV, EIV, EIV, EIV, EIV, EIV, EIV, E...
## $ ship.type            <fct> Ro-ro ship, Bulk carrier, Bulk carrier, Genera...
## $ age                  <dbl> 48.83000, 12.16667, 26.91667, 21.83333, 25.666...
## $ capacity             <int> 2838, 38191, 26264, 7049, 7148, 6232, 7075, 73...
## $ service.speed        <dbl> 19.0, 14.0, 14.0, 14.7, 14.7, 16.5, 14.8, 13.0...
## $ draught              <dbl> 4.950, 10.920, 9.850, 7.415, 7.415, 7.200, 7.0...
## $ beam                 <dbl> 19.21, 27.60, 23.09, 19.40, 19.30, 19.20, 19.3...
## $ length               <dbl> 124.20, 193.84, 180.16, 131.40, 131.40, 124.50...
## $ main.power           <int> 5884, 10900, 5421, 4690, 4690, 4500, 4965, 375...
## $ main.fuel.efficiency <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 171.0, 176.9, NA, 176.9, 1...
## $ fuel                 <fct> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2...

We have a variety of ship specific design parameters available to build our model. For example, there is information about the ship type, the ship’s age, capacity (in deadweight tonnes), service speed and dimensions (draught, beam and length) in the data. Further, we know the power and fuel oil consumption of the main engine and if the vessel obtained an EEDI rating or reports its EIV index value as a measure of its energy efficiency. The categorical variable of interest is “fuel”. The variable has two classes where “1” indicates that the ship has the option of using alternative fuels and “2” that it (only) has the capability to use traditional fuels. So we are dealing with a two-class classification problem and are especially interested in predicting if a ship uses an alternative fuel based on its other ship characteristics.

df %>% count(fuel) %>% mutate(prop = n/sum(n))
##   fuel    n       prop
## 1    1  184 0.01866126
## 2    2 9676 0.98133874

A first inspection of the fuel variable reveals that the classes are highly imbalanced in the data set. Only roughly 1.86% of vessels have the option to use alternative fuels. This is problematic since if we just would guess that every ship in the data belongs to class 2 (=traditional fuels), we could achieve an accuracy of 98.13%! Hence, if we do not account for these imbalances, it is likely that we end up with a model which is very good at predicting the frequent class “2” but performs poorly in predicting the infrequent class, which we are actually more interested in. In more technical terms, our model would probably yield a very good Specificity, but poor Sensitivity due to infrequent occurrence of alternative fuels. A possible strategy to address this issue is subsampling the data and there exist various methods of subsampling. For this project, we go with the simple approach of down-sampling, which randomly removes observations from the majority class so that our resulting data is more balanced with respect to the two fuel classes. Another issue is that we have some missing values in our predictors.

df %>% summarise_all(~ sum(
##   imo.number efficiency.index ship.type age capacity service.speed draught beam
## 1          0                0         0   0        0          1147       0    1
##   length main.power main.fuel.efficiency fuel
## 1      2        103                 1552    0

The missing values are most prominent in our service speed and main engine fuel efficiency variables. We will use the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to impute missing values for all the predictors. The algorithm will identify “K” samples in the data set which are similar to our observations with missing values (these are the neighbors) and then estimate the value for the missing data points from these samples. We will address both of these issues in our data preprocessing step.

Parallel Processing and Splitting the Data

Since I am working on my local machine and random forests can be computationally demanding, it makes sense to set up parallel processing to speed up the training process.

all_cores <- parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE)
registerDoParallel(cores = all_cores)

Now we can start with splitting the data into a training and testing data set. The random split is 75/25 between the training and testing set and stratified for our imbalanced outcome variable to ensure that the class probabilities stay roughly the same in the two resulting data sets.


data_split <- initial_split(df, strata = fuel, prob = 0.75)

train_df <- training(data_split)
test_df  <- testing(data_split)

train_df %>% count(fuel) %>% mutate(prop = n/sum(n))
##   fuel    n       prop
## 1    1  135 0.01825558
## 2    2 7260 0.98174442
test_df %>% count(fuel) %>% mutate(prop = n/sum(n))
##   fuel    n      prop
## 1    1   49 0.0198783
## 2    2 2416 0.9801217

Resampling for Model Performance Evaluation

To evaluate the performance of the random forest models, I rely on the resampling technique of 5 fold cross-validation. Intuitively, this works by randomly splitting the training set into five groups of roughly equal size. These are the five validation sets, which are used to calculate performance metrics. For each of these five groups, the four other folds form the analysis set on which we will fit the models. The overall model performance is then evaluated by averaging the performance metrics of the five validation sets. Note thatin general evaluating a model based on predicting the whole training set likely leads to overoptimistic performance metrics since the data was already used to fit the machine learning model.

folds <- vfold_cv(train_df, v = 5)
## #  5-fold cross-validation 
## # A tibble: 5 x 2
##   splits              id   
##   <list>              <chr>
## 1 <split [5.9K/1.5K]> Fold1
## 2 <split [5.9K/1.5K]> Fold2
## 3 <split [5.9K/1.5K]> Fold3
## 4 <split [5.9K/1.5K]> Fold4
## 5 <split [5.9K/1.5K]> Fold5

Data Preprocessing

Note that throughout this project, I heavily rely on the tidymodels framework in R for the model building and validation process due to its convenient and holistic approach for building machine learning models. Before turning to actually building and training the random forest model, I first prepare the data for fitting these models. Random forests in general require only little data preprocessing so I do not need to worry about, for example, normalizing the numerical predictors or converting the nominal predictors into numeric binary model terms. Hence, the data preparation will mostly revolve around the aforementioned observations of imputing missing values with the K-NN algorithm and down-sampling the outcome variable to correct for the observed class imbalances. Additionally, I also declare the IMO number as an identification variable so it is not used for predicting the outcome when fitting the models and remove (potential) zero-variance variables, which possess no predictive power.

rec_bal <- recipe(fuel ~ ., data = train_df) %>%
  update_role(imo.number, new_role = "ID") %>%
  step_knnimpute(all_predictors())  %>%
  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%

It is important to highlight, that these preprocessing steps are NOT applied to the whole training set. The reason is the use of 5-fold cross validation for evaluating model performance. If we would apply these steps to the whole training set we could face a data leakage problem in our analysis due to the imputation step and could derive poor estimates of actual model performance due to subsampling the data. To illustrate the data leakage problem, the K-NN algorithm would have access to data points which are not present in all of the analysis sets and, thus, could exploit information from “outside” the analysis set to derive estimates for the missing values, which might lead to overoptimistic performance metrics. In general, the preprocessing should be conducted on each of the five analysis sets individually to avoid these issues. Hence, for now I just store the outlined steps in a so called recipe for later usage within the resamples.

Building the Random Forest Model

Random forest models are popular for classification problems not only due to their aforementioned low maintenance. Further, they correct for the overfitting tendency of simple decision tree models and normally yield good results even with default model hyperparameters. Nevertheless, we will tune two model hyperparameters to optimize performance. Let’s start with setting up the random forest for classification with the “ranger” package.

rf_mod_tune <-  rand_forest(mtry = tune(), min_n = tune(), trees = 1000) %>% 
  set_engine("ranger", importance = "impurity") %>% 

One can see that, one random forest will consist of 1,000 decision tress and I will tune the number of predictors which will be randomly sampled at each split (mtry) and the minimum number of required data points for a tree node to be split further (min_n). Afterwards, I combine the preprocessing and the model in a workflow, which will be used when fitting the models.

rf_wf <-  workflow() %>% add_model(rf_mod_tune) %>% add_recipe(rec_bal)

Fitting the Models and Hypertuning with Grid Search

To tune our two hyperparameters of interest a simple space-filling grid search with 50 (random) parameter sets is generated. Hence, my local machine needs to train 1,000 decisions trees for each of the 50 potential random forest models. It is possible, to use a more sophisticated method or a larger scope for the grid search, but for the project this simple approach shall be sufficient. As already stated, accuracy in this application is not a suitable metric to assess model performance due to the class imbalances in our outcome variable. Therefore, I define a different set of metrics for assessing model performance

cls_metrics <- metric_set(specificity, sensitivity, roc_auc, j_index)

The ROC-AUC score is a common performance metric when evaluating machine learning models. Due to the empirical setting with strong class imbalances in the outcome variable, our main metric used will be the Youden’s J statistic (J-index). The J-index is defined as J = sensitivity + specificity - 1 and the closer the value is to 1 the more observations we correctly label as true positives and true negatives. Let’s recall our initial reflections about random guessing the outcome variable and the possibility of picking a model which performs very poor in predicting the low frequency class of interest when optimizing overall accuracy. In contrast, the J-index gives equal weights to the predictions for both classes and, thus, seems to be a good alternative in this context. We now have finally all the pieces together and start fitting our 50 potential random forest models with the five analysis data sets.


rf_tuned = tune_grid(rf_wf, resamples = folds, grid = 50, metrics = cls_metrics,
                     control = control_grid(verbose = T))

Afterwards, we can see which candidate model performed best according to the J-statistic and collect the hyperparameter values from the best performing model.

rf_tuned %>% show_best(metric = "j_index",n = 5)
## # A tibble: 5 x 8
##    mtry min_n .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config
##   <int> <int> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>  
## 1     5     6 j_index binary     0.900     5  0.0181 Model43
## 2     3     7 j_index binary     0.898     5  0.0205 Model33
## 3     8     5 j_index binary     0.895     5  0.0200 Model28
## 4     2    10 j_index binary     0.893     5  0.0124 Model12
## 5     2    11 j_index binary     0.893     5  0.0121 Model48
rf_best_params <- rf_tuned %>% select_best("j_index")

The last step now is update the random forest model with the identified hyperparameter values and fit the model on last time on the complete training set and then evaluate the model performance with the unseen test set.

rf_model_final <- rf_mod_tune %>% finalize_model(rf_best_params)

rf_wf_final = workflow() %>% add_model(rf_model_final) %>% add_recipe(rec_bal)

rf_fit_final = last_fit(rf_wf_final, data_split, metrics = cls_metrics)

Let’s examine the performance metrics of the final model’s test set predictions more closely. First, we can see that the down-sampling strategy combined with using the J-index as the main performance metric appeared to be successful: the sensitivity of roughly 90% indicates that the model is able to correctly classify the vessels with alternative fuels (the minority class of interest) in 90% of the cases. Further, when comparing the J-index from fitting the model on the analysis sets with the final fit, we can see that the drop in performance is minor. This is reassuring, since our hypothesis how well the model would perform on unseen data is not very different from the actual performance for the test set. Therefore, we can be quite confident that our final model would also perform decently on other unseen data sets.

## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##   .metric .estimator .estimate
##   <chr>   <chr>          <dbl>
## 1 spec    binary         0.959
## 2 sens    binary         0.918
## 3 j_index binary         0.877
## 4 roc_auc binary         0.980

Exploring the results

To conclude the project, I briefly visualize some of the model results. Firstly, let’s see how much our model is able to separate between the classes by looking at the area under the receiver operating characteristics (= the AUC-ROC Curve). From the performance metrics, we already know that our final model has a ROC-AUC score of close to 1 and, thus, performs very good in separating the two classes for the test set. To investigate this observation further, the ROC-AUC curve is plotted below.

pred = collect_predictions(rf_fit_final)

rf_fit_final %>% collect_predictions() %>% roc_curve(fuel , .pred_1) %>% autoplot()

In this project, we are mainly interested in classifying the ships with the option of using alternative fuels correctly. The graph depicts on the y-axis how many of the ships with alternative our algorithm classified as such (true positives) and on the x-axis how many ships without alternative fuels were incorrectly classified as vessels with alternative fuels (false positives) for different threshold values. Note, that there also is a direct relationship between the J-index and the ROC curve. In the graph, the J-index is the (vertical) difference between the dotted line and the ROC-curve. By using the J-index as the main performance metric, the hyperparameters and threshold value of the final model were optimized based on the maximum value of this distance. Lastly, we can also plot the importance of our predictors expressed by the variable importance score.

rf_fit_final %>% pluck(".workflow", 1) %>% pull_workflow_fit() %>%  vip(num_features = 10)

Interestingly, a vessel’s length appears to be the most important feature for assessing if a ship has the option of using alternative fuels or not in this data set. To further explore this observation, we can have a look at the average length of vessels for both classes.

df %>% group_by(fuel) %>% summarize(average_length = mean(length, na.rm=T))
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   fuel  average_length
##   <fct>          <dbl>
## 1 1               261.
## 2 2               205.

It appears that the vessels using alternative fuels are on average longer than the vessels without these capabilities. It could be that length is in our data a proxy for certain ship designs specifically optimized for energy efficiency and alternative fuel usage. Investigating the ship design of ships with the option of using alternative fuels could be another interesting project since it might yield interesting insights for the maritime industry. The high rank of a vessel’s age and type are not to surprising from a maritime point of view. To illustrate, given the recent efforts to adopt alternative fuels in the maritime industry, one would expect that newer ships have more frequently the capability of using them. Similarly, alternative fuels like LNG are especially attractive for certain ship types like LNG carriers due to their ship design. These observations conclude the project: we have seen that it is possible to derive a solid prediction for if a ship uses alternative fuels by using a simple random forests machine learning algorithm and to get some basic insights which predictors are the most important for the classification task at hand.


In this project I am interested in classifying if existing vessels have the option of using alternative fuels based on vessel specific features.







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