My personal configuration of Windows Terminal.
Microsoft Windows Terminal can be customized by editing the settings.json file which is located in the %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState directory.
I have customized Windows Terminal to offer me:
- PowerShell
- PowerShell 32 bit
- Command prompt
- Powershell Core
- Azure Cloud Shell
- Command prompt for Visual Studio 2019
- PowerShell for Visual Studio 2019
- PowerShell 64-bit for Visual Studio 2019
Note that the command to open Visual Studio's Command Prompt or PowerShell Console can vary depending on the exact version of Visual Studio. The exact command line to run can be found when looking at the properties of the respective Visual Studio shortcuts found in the the Windows Start menu.
- Scott Dorman's repo with various Visual Studio 2019 profiles and colour schemes for Windows Terminal:
- Thread about the shell icons for Windows Terminal: microsoft/terminal#1918