(WIP) - basic template, nothing fancy (inspired by @antfu vitesse)
💚 Nuxt 3 - SSR, ESR, File-based routing, components auto importing, modules, etc.
⚡️ Vite - Instant HMR
🎨 WindiCSS - The next generation utility-first CSS framework.
🌍 I18n - Language support
🔥 The
<script setup>
syntax -
📥 APIs auto importing - for Composition API, VueUse and custom composables.
🏎 Zero-config cloud functions and deploy
🦾 TypeScript by default
- VueUse - collection of useful composition APIs
- WindiCSS - the next generation utility-first CSS framework
- I18n - multi language support
- Pinia - type safe and flexible store for Vue
npx degit NicolaSpadari/nuxt-app my-nuxt3-app
cd my-nuxt3-app
npm i
- Easiest method: deploy on Netlify as a classic web app, make sure the
has the correct build command:
command = "npm i && npm run build"
- Other hosting solutions here