perl (Version >=5.30.1)
java (Version >=1.8.0_242)
trimmmatic (Version >=0.39)
bwa (Version >=0.7.17-r1188)
samtools (Version >=1.9)
blastn (Version >=2.8.1+)
muscle (Version >=3.8.31)
EMBOSS cons (Version >=
Download all the files into one folder
Create a rawdata directory to hold fq.gz files
We attached a demo files including both data and result generated by VIPA.
Go to the RAWDATA directory and run the following commands step-by-step
ls *.gz|awk '{print $0}'|awk -F '_' '{print ""$1""}'|sort -u >sample.txt
mkdir -p clean unpaired
cat sample.txt|awk '{print "nohup sh trimmomatic.sh "$1" >>"$1".log &"}' >run_trimmomatic.sh
cat sample.txt|awk '{print "nohup sh fqtools.sh "$1" >>"$1".log &"}' >run_fqtools.sh
sh run_trimmomatic.sh &
sh run_fqtools.sh
mkdir -p ../results
Go to the Results directory and prepare the configuration file config.txt
Run the command: perl prepare.pl-c config.txt
- raw_data_path: Cleandata path
- result_path: Results the path
- sample_suffix: The suffix of data, _R or _, _R represents _R1.fastq.gz and _R1.fq.gz, _ represents for _1.fastq.gzand _1.fq.gz
- ref_merge: Path to the merged fasta of human and viruses
- bwa_ref_path: bwa software pathway
- blast_ref_path: blast software pathway
- hsa_ref_type: human reference versions
- suffix: the suffix format for data, fastq.gz or fq.gz, fastq.gz represents _R1.fastq.gz and _1.fastq.gz, fq.gz represents for _R1.fq.gz and _1.fq.gz
- layout: Read mode and lengthes, e.g. SE100, PE150
- threads: Number of threads required
- sge: the default is False, when false is selected, the shell script will be delivered nohup, and when true, the shell script will be delivered qsub
- maxvmem: the max memory requirement.
- mem:the memory requirenment for each thread of bwa software
- type: sequence type
- method: if the library method is based on PCR amplificaion which does no remove duplilcaiton, fill in MIP. Otherwise, fill in RCA, which will remove duplilcaiton after mapping step.
- EBV: Boolean, the default is False, when true is selected, the integrations located in the repeat regions of EBV will be removed
- mode: multi multi will generate virus subtypes' integrations, dominate only generate the top one virus subtype's integrations
- depth: The lowest depth for virus detection
- coverage: The lowest coverage for virus detection
- readcounts: The lowest readcounts for virus detection
- readsupport: The lowest readsupport for virus integration sites
- flanking: The flanking lengthes of human-viral junction sequences for integration pattern calculatuions
- picard: The path to the picard jar software
Then 1_out_all_pre.sh 2_run_all_pre.sh 3_out_all_pipe.sh and 5_work.sh are generated in the current directory
The shell scripts 1 through 5 are executed in order, with 4_run_all_pipe.sh being generated after 3_out_all_pipe.sh is executed
sh 1_out_all_pre.sh
sh 2_run_all_pre.sh
sh 3_out_all_pipe.sh
sh 4_run_all_pipe.sh
sh 5_work.sh
- 1_out_all_pre.sh
perl pre_pipe.pl /results/*/pre.config
Note: generate a_pre.sh
- 2_run_all_pre.sh
sh /results/*/a_pre.sh
Note:Execute a_pre.sh in each sample file and the generated files are stored in results/*/pre
- 3_out_all_pipe.sh
perl out_pipe.pl /results/*/pipe.config
Note:generate all.sh
- 4_run_all_pipe.sh
sh /result/\*/hpv*/all.sh
Note:Execute all.sh in all files containging HPV subfiles, e.g. sample168/hpv16/all.sh.
This will generate files in the same directory as in all.sh, including below scripts:
- b_align.sh This is the alignment script
- c_deal.sh This is the script for soft-clip read extraction
- d_assemble.sh This is the script to generate junctional sequence
- e_sdej.sh This is the script to analyze the SD-EJ pathway
- f_mh.sh This is the script to analyze the Microhomologies
perl stat_breakpoints.pl
cd ../rawdata
perl data_stat.pl $PWD sample.txt data.stat.xls
cd ../results
head */pre/stat.xls|sed ':t;N;s#/pre/stat.xls <==\n#\t#;b t'|sed 's/==> //'|sed '/^$/d'|sed 's/^hpv/\thpv/' >stat.xls
ls */pre/*metrics|while read l;do a=${l%%/*};echo -ne "\n$a\t";grep "Unknown" $l|awk -F'\t' '{printf $7}';done >dedup.stat
head */pre/dedup.coverage|sed ':t;N;s#/pre/dedup.coverage <==\n#\t#;b t'|sed 's/==> //'|sed '/^$/d'|sed 's/^hpv/\thpv/' >dedup.coverage
The file of data_stat: rawdata/data_stat.xls
The file of stat:results/stat.xls
The file of dedup.coverage:results/dedup.coverage
The file of break_stat:results/break_stat.xls
1st column is the sample id
2nd column is the Raw reads
3rd column is the Raw bases
4th column is the Raw Q20
5th column is the Raw Q30
6th column is the Clean reads
7th column is the Clean bases
8th column is the Clean ratio
9th column is the Clean Q20
10th column is the Clean Q30
1th column is the HPV type
2nd column is the
3rd column is the reads that only mapped to human references
4th column is the pecentage of reads that only mapped to human references
5th column is the unmapped reads
6th column is the pecentage of unmapped reads
7th column is the HPV reads
8th column is the HPV reads
9th column is the HPV depth
10th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 1X
11th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 4X
12th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 10X
13th column is the HPV ratio
1th column is the sample id
2nd column is the HPV type
3rd column is the Unique reads
4th column is the reads that only mapped to human references
5th column is the pecentage of reads that only mapped to human references
6th column is the unmapped reads
7th column is the pecentage of unmapped reads
8th column is the HPV reads
9th column is the HPV depth
10th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 1X
11th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 4X
12th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 10X
13th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 30X
14th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 500X
15th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 1000X
16th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 2000X
17th column is the HPV mapping coverage of depeth over 5000X
18th column is the uniform marker for capture sequence data *(Optional)
19th column is the capture efficiency *(Optional)
1th column is the sampleid_hpv type
2nd column is the HPV break points
3rd column is the HPV reads