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Deep Link

Rolando Islas edited this page Jul 9, 2018 · 2 revisions


Twitched utilizes Roku's Deep Linking protocol, allowing live streams and videos to be launch directly. See External Control API for information on how to launch a channel remotely on a Roku and pass it parameters.

Twitched Deep Link Parameters

Twitched offers two content links, live streams, and videos on demand. Any invalid deep link parameters will be ignored and the channel will launch normally. This will also be the case if the specified stream is offline or the video ID is not valid.

Live Stream

Live streams can be launched with the streamer name or ID directly in the content ID.

contentID mediaType
twitch_stream_[STEAMER NAME OR ID HERE] live

Example: ?contentId=twitch_stream_yogscast&mediaType=live

Alternativly, the streamer name or ID can be passed as another query paramerter. Only the user name parameter or id parameter should be passed. Passing both parameters will result in undefined behavior.

contentID mediaType twitch_user_name twitch_user_id
twitch_stream live [STREAMER NAME] [STREAMER ID]

Example: ?contentID=twitch_stream&mediaType=live&twitch_user_name=yogscast

Video on Demand (VOD)

Videos can be launched using their ID.

contentID mediaType
twitch_video_[VIDEO ID] special

Example: ?contentID=twitch_video_9763379&mediaType=special

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