nodecast is a high performance live streaming transcoder and stream "muxer"
The current version of nodecast is abandoned. I'm at this time working on a newer, more stable and modern version and will publish it here as soon as I can.
Just clone this repository in a directory of your choice. (git clone
nano configs/*.json
and edit to your needs. The syntax for these configuration files is JSON. If you don't know how to write JSON files, open a new issue ticket, completely describe what you need and we will try to build your configuration which fits your needs.
nodecast is a streaming system split into multiple scripts to be able to install each script on a different server (distribute load over multiple host systems). Installing the scripts on different servers also prevents your streaming network from being flooded directly at the transcoder or dj server.
After configuring all the scripts (.json files) you can fire up the scripts by running cat scriptname.json | ./scriptname.js
(e.g. cat transcoder.json | ./transcoder.js
If we find bugs, we are gonna fix them. But we don't always find bugs and therefor need your help: If you find any type of bug (memory leak, high cpu usage, weird behaviour when doing something special, etc.), please open a new issue ticket.