This repository contains tutorial slides for CS2040S, Data Structures and Algorithms (AY 2022/2023 Semester 1), taught by Dr. Chong Ket Fah, National University of Sinapore. The slides are partly adopted from tutorial slides by Wang Zhi Jian.
- Tutorial 1: Asymptotic Analysis, Big-O notation, running time analysis of algorithms.
- Tutorial 2: Sorting algorithms, Quick Select algorithm, and their applications.
- Tutorial 3: Arrays, Linked lists and their variants, list ADT, stack ADT, queue ADT, Lisp expression, amortized analysis.
- Tutorial 4: Map ADT, hash tables, collision resolution, hash functions, bloom filter.
- Tutorial 5: Heaps, Priority Queue ADT.
- Tutorial 6: Union-Find Disjoint Set.
- Tutorial 7: Binary Search Trees, AVL trees, tree traversal, trie.
- Tutorial 8: Graph representation, graph traversal, cycle detection, topological ordering.
- Tutorial 9: Minimum Spanning Tree, Prim's & Kruskal's Algorithm.
- Tutorial 10: Shortest Paths, Bellman-Ford Algorithm.
- Tutorial 11: Dijkstra's Algorithm.