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An android app for Amhi Zadkari NGO


The finest friend we have is nature, which gives us everything we need to survive. For our benefit, it provides us with things like clean water to drink, food to eat, a place to live, animals, and plants for various uses. The Amhi Zadkari Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) is here to plant and care for trees because trees are the foundation of our environment and nature. These individuals are the modern-day heroes who deserve recognition; as a result, we have taken the initiative to create an application to raise awareness about the topic. As a result, we created a dynamic app using the newest Android technology, Jetpack Compose, in order to offer updates easily.

Problem Statement:

People who share the same values and a love of nature make up the AmhiZadkari group, which has come together to support the plantation revolution. The organization is fully administered by volunteers, and every member is intensely motivated by themselves. Despite these efforts, the cause and the work of this incredible group are barely known.

Proposed Solution:

The AmhiZadkari staff can use this app to raise awareness of tree planting and the environment. The app gives people a way to find out more about AmhiZadkari and invites them to get involved.

App Screenshots

drawing drawing drawing
drawing drawing drawing

Technology used

This app makes use of the cutting-edge Android toolkit Jetpack Compose, which has simplified UI design with strong tools while requiring less overall code. The following are some of the concepts and tools utilized to create this app:

  1. Material Theme: Material is a flexible set of rules, elements, and tools that promotes the best principles of user interface design. Jetpack Compose's Material Theme is incredibly user-friendly and offers the best styling and theming possibilities.
  2. Reusable composables: The core compose concept of Composable gives us the flexibility to create any UI element and reuse it as needed, greatly minimizing the need for repetitive code.
  3. Jetpack Compose Scaffold: The Scaffold is a layout that implements the fundamental material design layout framework, and it is just one of many sophisticated tools available through the Compose library. enabling the addition of features such as a TopBar, BottomBar with a Bottom navigation, FAB, or a Drawer.
  4. Compose navigation library: The jetpack navigation library provides an elegant and easy way to navigate between composables.
  5. MVVM: A software architectural pattern called Model-View-ViewModel makes it easier to separate the creation of the user interface from the creation of the back-end or business logic. As a result, views are no longer dependent on a particular model platform.
  6. Room: The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite. This eliminates the need for boilerplate code and lets us create SQLite tables.
  7. Coil: Coil is a fast, lightweight, and incredibly user-friendly image loading library that makes it simpler to load images from the internet. Memory and disc caching are just a couple of the improvements carried out by Coil.
  8. Firebase: Using Google firebase we make an app that is easy to update over the internet and make dynamic apps. To store and serve data, Firebase offers us its easy to use storage and a database.

App link

Click here to download the app

Future Scope

The future potential of this software would be to collaborate with other organisations working for worthy causes to build a volunteer gateway, rather than just serving one particular group.