Let water flow from the start to the end through ASCII pipes.
█A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y █
█ B D F H J L N P R T V X Z█
4 █╔╠╝╬═ ╚╬╣╣═╩╚╩╬╠╔╦ ╩╩╠╝╗╝╗█
3 █╬╗╣╚ ╬║╝╗╚══╣║╠╣╗║╣ ╝═ ╔╠╗█
2 █╦═╬═══╣╠╬╣╠╔╩═╬ ╬ ╦╦╩╗═█
1 █╬╚╚║╠╩╩╔ ║╗╗╣╗╔╠╬╔ ╠╣║╚╬ █
Simply run:
python plumber.py
You will see this small randomly generated game with basic instructions and prompt '=>':
█A C █
█ B D█
4 █╗╦╚╬█
3 █╬╝╠╦█
2 █╗╩╚║█
1 █╬╬╗ █
Rotate pipes to let water flow e.g. 'A1l', 'c2rr', 'e1rlrlrl', 'h' for help, Ctrl-Z for exit.
By typing 'a2l' then 'c2l' and finally 'c4r' you will solve the game:
█A C █
█ B D█
4 █╗╦╚╬█
3 █╬╝╠╦█
2 █╔╩╝║█
1 █╬╬╗ █
Rotate pipes to let water flow e.g. 'A1l', 'c2rr', 'e1rlrlrl', 'h' for help, Ctrl-Z for exit.
Solved with 3 moves!
Parameters used to generate the board:
- --width - width e.g. '--width 8',
- --height - height e.g. '--height 5',
- --start - starting point x y e.g. '--start 0 0',
- --end - ending point x y e.g. '--end 7 4',
- --difficulty - board generation parameter e.g. '--difficulty easy'.
Be careful with start/end points - they should be within dimensions of the board.
BFS is used to check connection between the start and the end.
- Fix: game can be not possible to solve.
- Fix: a randomly generated board is too random.
- Fix: start/end parameter are not concise with the board's coordinates.
- Add: DFS solution generation.
- Add: mixing pipe output's as difficulty parameter.