I am an Artificial Intelligence student at the University of Pisa and I am currently working on my Master Thesis about the detection of Trending Topics in news.
My strengths are algorithms and problem-solving. Usually, I try to understand things rather than memorize them, which is harder but leads to greater knowledge of the subject. For this reason, I decided to focus on Artificial Intelligence in which mathematics and probabilistic reasoning are fundamentals.
🎓 Education:
- Master of Science in Computer Science with curricula Artificial Intelligence at
University of Pisa
| 2019 - Current- Exchange student at
Freie Universität Berlin
andTechnische Universität Berlin
| Summer Semester 2021
- Exchange student at
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at
University of Padova
| 2016-2019
💻 Most Relevant Work Experience:
- Data Engineer (Remote part-time) at Data Reply Milan (Italy)| 10-2019 to 12-2019
- Data Engineer (Intern) at Data Reply Milan (Italy) | 05-2019 to 07-2019
- Software Developer Engineer(Intern) at GFT Group Padua (Italy) | 07-2018 to 10-2018
- Software Developer Engineer(Intern) at Vida S.r.l Riese Pio X (Italy) | 07-2017 to 09-2017
📌 Projects:
- An application of Compressive Transformer for music generation
- Neuradillo 2.0
- Hate Speech Detection in tweets
- TSP Genetic Algorithm
- Probabilistic graphical model Grafana Plugin
📢 Contacts:
👦 About me:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Master Thesis on detection of Trending Topics in news
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to get prepared for a job interview
- 🏃 I do a lot of sport, in particular, gym and football