- Founder of ColorfulSoft and author of its developments
- Author of scientific articles on deep learning and electronics
- Teacher of courses in deep learning and programming
Deep learning, Programming, Electronics
- .NET Framework
- C++
- C#
- Python
- PascalABC.NET
- Gleb S. Brykin: Pocket High Voltage Generator, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/tesla/tesla54.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: Superminiature SGTC, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/tesla/tesla55.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: Overview of the Chinese electronic gas lighter, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/tesla/tesla56.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: Femtotesla on 1P24B-V. Part 1, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/tesla/tesla57.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: Femtotesla on 1P24B-V. Part 2, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/tesla/tesla58.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: Portable Marx Generator, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/tesla/tesla59.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: The simplest SSTC, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/tesla/tesla60.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: QCW RbSSTC. Part 1, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/tesla/tesla62.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: Pulse-width modulator on transistors, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/pitanie/5-416.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: Pulse-width modulator on discrete components. In RADIO ELECTRONICS, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND POWER ENGINEERING: Twenty-ninth International Scientific-Technical conf. of students and postgraduates (March 16-18, 2023, Moscow): Tez. dokl., pp. 40-40, ISBN 978-5-907292-90-1
- Gleb S. Brykin: The simplest full bridge SSTC, cxem.net e-print, https://cxem.net/tesla/tesla63.php
- Gleb S. Brykin: The System.AI Project: Fully Managed Cross-Platform Machine Learning and Data Analysis Stack for .NET Ecosystem. In Artificial Intelligence in Management, Control, and Data Processing Systems. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference (Moscow, April 27–28, 2022), pp. 166-172, ISBN 978-5-7038-5911-7
- Gleb S. Brykin: Patch2Vec: a simple and efficient convolution algorithm for mobile neural networks. In Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications: Book of abstract of the 14th International Conference (Moscow, 2022), pp. 147-149, ISBN 978-5-907366-77-0
- Gleb S. Brykin: DEOLDIFY.NET: CROSS-PLATFORM APPLICATION FOR COLORING BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOS. In XXIV International Scientific and Technical Conference "NEUROINFORMATICS-2022" : collection of scientific papers (Dolgoprudny, October 17–21, 2022), pp. 107-115, ISBN 978-5-7417-0823-1
- Gleb S. Brykin: The System.AI Project: Fully Managed Cross-Platform Machine Learning and Data Analysis Stack for .NET Ecosystem. In Trudy Instituta sistemnogo analiza Rossiyskoy akademii nauk (ISA RAN) (Proceedings of the Institute for Systems Analysis Russian Academy of Sciences (ISA RAS)), pp. 64-72, DOI: 10.14357/20790279230108
- Artificial Intelligence in Management, Control, and Data Processing Systems, BMSTU, Moscow, Russia, April, 27, 2022 "The System.AI Project: Fully Managed Cross-Platform Machine Learning and Data Analysis Stack for .NET Ecosystem"
- XXIV International Conference "Data Analytics and Management in Data-Intensive Domains" DAMDID/RCDL'2022, ITMO, Saint Petersburg, Ocrober, 4, 2022 "The System.AI Project: Fully Managed Cross-Platform Machine Learning and Data Analysis Stack for .NET Ecosystem"
- NXXIV International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (Neuroinformatics-2022), MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia, October, 17, 2022 "DeOldify.NET: cross-platform application for coloring black and white photos"
- Workshop on Neural Network Applications (XXIV International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (Neuroinformatics-2022), MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia, October, 17, 2022) "Patch2Vec: a simple and efficient convolution algorithm for mobile neural networks"
- 14th International Conference “Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications” (IDP-14), Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of RAS, Moscow, December, 8, 2022 "Patch2Vec: a simple and efficient convolution algorithm for mobile neural networks"
- XXIX International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering (REEPE), Moscow Power Engineering Institute, National Research University, Moscow, Russia, Marth, 17, 2023 "Pulse-width modulator on discrete components"