This project was made for the final session of the sophomore course "Introduction to Algorithms" at Suleyman Demirel University.
- Registering a profile with properties such as name, surname, age, email, gender, phone number
- Profile login
- Follow / unfollow another user
- Blocking / Unblocking another user
- Making posts on your profile
- Liking posts
- Commenting posts of another user
— view available commands./authorize
— log in to your account./register
— create a new account./my_profile
— view your profile./profile <username>
– view the profile of another user./wall
— view your wall./my_posts
— view your posts./posts <username>
— view the posts of another user./comments <postID>
— view all comments on a specific post./new_post
— publish a new post./like <postID>
— like a specific post./dislike <postID>
— dislike a specific post./comment <postID>
— comment on a specific post./follow <username>
— subscribe to another user./unfollow <username>
— unsubscribe another user./block <username>
— block another user./unblock <username>
— unblock another user./delete <type>
— delete a specific type (subscriber, post, comment)./change
— change your current password./settings
— privacy settings./logout
— log out of your account./quit
— exit the program.
> /help
Helps users understand the available functionalities in the application.
> /authorize
or > /auth
or > /login
Allows users to log in with their credentials to access their personalized content and perform actions on the social network.
Tip: If you forgot your username or password, type /forgot or /register
Tip: You can return by typing /back or /cancel
Your username: goofeat
Your password: qwerty
Incorrect password!
Your password: asdfghjk
You have successfully authorized!
> /register
or > /reg
Enables new users to register and create a profile on the social network.
Tip: You can return by typing /back or /cancel
Your username: ex
Username may have any word characters and digits.
Length of username from 4 to 30
Your username: example
Your first name: J
The minimum length is 2, the maximum is 25.
Your first name: John
Your last name: Doe
Your age: 10
Incorrect age! (From 15 to 65)
Your age: 15
Your gender (M or F): A
Incorrect gender!
Your gender (M or F): M
Your email: qwerty
Incorrect email address!
Your email:
Your phone number (+77xxxxxxxxx or 87xxxxxxxxx): 87771112233
Your password: qwerty
You have successfully registered!
But if you try to register after you have logged into your account, the program will not allow you to do so.
> /reg
You have already authorized
Provides a way for users who have forgotten their passwords to reset them.
> /my_profile
You will get this:
Your profile:
| Your username: @goofeat
| Your full name: Raiymbek Azharbayev (19 years old)
| Your gender: Male
| Your email: (others cannot see)
| Your phone number: +7 (777) 751 21 21 (others cannot see)
| Posts: 2
| Following: 0
| Followers: 0
> /profile test
You will get this:
@test's profile:
| Full name: Ivan Ivanov (24 years old)
| Gender: Male
| Email: [hidden]
| Phone number: [hidden]
| Posts: 3
| Following: 0
| Followers: 0