A mobile first design client side React app with Firebase/ Firestore handling the database queries and storage Deployed on Vercel.
A user can Create, Read, Update, and Delete a home listing in a sale or rent category. A user can add 6 images to each listing that is geolocated and mapped out in UI. A user can give a special discount offer price on the users listing which wil be displayed in the Offers page. A user can contact the landlord via email form in any listing
- CRUD Operations fulling functional
- Frontend client side application only no need for Node backend
- Google OAuth
- Firebase V9 queries are easy to work with
- Image swiper lib made easy to use and implement
- leaflet lib opens up more capability to user for UI
- React-Toastify makes the UI feedback very clear and smooth after a user action takes place
- Pagination on the listings page
- Geocode address location format handling
- Memory leaks in useEffect
- Removing images from Firestore
- etc
- Vercel