is a neovim plugin that helps with using the lsp feature for python development.
It tackles the problem about the activation and usage of python virtual environments and conda environments for the nvim lsp.
Includes optional support for nvim-notify plugins (for custom popup information) and nvim-lsp-installer for LSP detection. Includes a detection inside the Virtual Environment for the LSP presence as last fallback (before check in the host machine).
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'HallerPatrick/py_lsp.nvim'
Using packer.nvim:
use {
-- Support for versioning
-- tag = "v0.0.1"
Instead of initializing the server on your own, like in nvim-lspconfig,
is doing that for you.
Put this in your init.lua
(or wrap in lua call for your init.vim
require'py_lsp'.setup {
-- This is optional, but allows to create virtual envs from nvim
host_python = "/path/to/python/bin",
default_venv_name = ".venv" -- For local venv
This minimal setup will automatically pass a python virtual environment path to the LSP client for completion/linting.
WARNING: py_lsp
is currently not agnostic against other python lsp servers that are starting or attaching.
Please be aware of other plugins, autostarting lsp servers.
exposes several commands that help with a virtual env workflow.
Command | Parameter | Usage |
:PyLspCurrentVenv |
No | Prints the currently used python venv |
:PyLspDeactiveVenv |
No | Shuts down the current LSP client |
:PyLspReload |
No | Reload LSP client with current python venv |
:PyLspActivateVenv |
venv name | Activates a virtual env with given name (default: 'venv'). This venv should lie in project root |
:PyLspActivateCondaEnv |
env name | Activates a conda env with given name (default: 'base'). Requires conda to be installed on the system |
:PyLspCreateVenv |
venv name | Creates a virtual env with given name (default: 'venv'). Requires host_python to be set and have virtualenv installed |
:PyRun |
Optional | Run files and modules from current virtuale env. If no arguments specified, will run current buffer |
:PyLspFindVenvs |
No | List all found Virtualenvs found by different strategies. Select and reload LSP |
Most of these commands can be also run over a popup menu with :PyLspPopup
The :PyRun
command uses the currently activated virtuale environment to either execute the current buffer on
or the arguments passed to pather. If toggleterm
is an available plugin the command is executed through
a toggleterm
The configurations are not sensible yet, and are suiting my setup. This will change.
Default Values:
auto_source = true,
language_server = "pyright",
source_strategies = {"default", "poetry", "conda", "hatch", "system"},
capabilities = nil,
host_python = nil,
on_attach = nil,
on_server_ready = nil
default_venv_name = nil,
pylsp_plugins = {}, // the table with the various pylsp plugins with their parameters
venvs = {}
One can also provide settings like default_venv_name
or source_stragie
in a pyproject.toml
to have a per-project setting which venv to use.
default_venv_name = "my_conda_venv"
# Beware, that the source_strategie is a string, not a table
source_strategie = "conda"
This requires a plugin for loading toml files, so include the following in your nvim config: Lazy:
dependencies = { "dharmx/toml.nvim" },
I am using pyright
and therefore works well with pyright
. When using a not registered language server
like jedi-language-server
you can register it like following:
local nvim_lsp_configs = require "lspconfig.configs"
nvim_lsp_configs["jedi_language_server"] = {
default_config = {
cmd = {"jedi-language-server"},
-- Depending on your environment
root_dir = nvim_lsp.util.root_pattern(".git", "",
filetypes = {"python"}
local capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').update_capabilities(vim.lsp
language_server = "jedi_language_server",
capabilities = capabilities
- Support for different environment systems:
- virtualenvwrapper
- Pipenv
- Agnostic against other python lsp server