An app to stay up to date with the latest stats of the coronavirus
This App is using Coronavirus monitor API as a remote data source
In order to run this project , you will need to create an account and get a key from the rapid api and add it to the file
Third release (version 3.1) Link
- All stats world wide
- All stats by countries
- Search by country
- Search stats by date and country
- ViewModel - store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way
- LiveData - notify the view when data changes .
- Lifecycle - perform action when lifecycle state changes
- Room - SQLite database with in-app objects and compile-time checks
- DataBinding - bind UI components to data sources
- Material - Material Components.
- Coroutine - performs background tasks
- Retrofit2- networking
- Gson - convert Java Objects into their JSON and vice versa
- Dagger2 - dependency injector
- Timber - Logger
- Stetho - debug bridge
- Improve design
- Add unit tests