This is a template repository to get you started really quickly with the serverless framework and typescript, using the incredible esbuild. It is slighlty opinionated.
# Make sure you have a modern node environment (example: node 14+, yarn)
# Make sure you have AWS credentials
# Install dependencies
# Make sure everything works ™
yarn test
# Bundle your code and deploy it (This creates the needed AWS resources, Lambda, apiGw, s3...)
# Deploy will output the URL, refer to serverless documentation to see how everything gets mapped from the serverless.yml
# Everything is configurable, the default stage is dev, and default region is us-east-1
yarn deploy
# Example using curl to test your deployed lambda (make sure to use the correct url)
curl | jq
# Remove service (Removes everything created by sls deploy)
yarn remove
- Built on top of the incredible esbuild, mad props to @evanw
- Refer to serverless-esbuild for the plugin documentation, credits to @floydspace
- Includes the amazing esbuild-register, thanks to @egoist
node -r esm -r esbuild-register script.ts #Aliased to TS for your convenience
Enjoy lighting fast build and script execution in typescript
With sensible defaults because writing boilerplate takes too much time.
dotenv is intentionally a dev dependencies, if you want to use it at runtime, move it to dependencies, import it in your code then load your env file.
An example of an integration test that works with the great sls offline
and the node-fetch package.
Simply run :
yarn test
A Github Action basic pipeline is setup with yarn caching and tests, check .github/workflows/main.yaml
pm2 is a node process manager, very handy when you're dealing with several local microservices ...
"offline:dev": "yarn ts scripts/offline.ts dev",
"offline:start": "yarn ts scripts/offline.ts start",
"offline:stop": "yarn ts scripts/offline.ts stop"
: Startsls offline
in the foreground.offline:start
: Startsls offline
in the background with pm2, log the output to pm2.logoffline:stop
: Terminate the pm2 process(es) cleanly (based on the name, check offline.ts)
Check offline.ts if you need custom behavior.
Use a serverless.ts files instead of a serverless.yml file for the configuration. You can delete the serverless.ts and rename serverless.example.yml to serverless.yml if you prefer yaml. Refer to the docs. More info in the PR.
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