Odot -- a TODO TUI
Usage: odot (COMMAND | COMMAND)
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
tui open the tui
list list current todos
new add a new todo
remove removes items
done marks items as done
$ odot tui
will list the tasks in a less glamorous format. It can be used to know the index of items to mark them as done or delete them.
$ odot list
1- add json exports | from Sun 13/02/2022, 2pm
You can also sort by tags.
$ odot list -t work
3- meeting with Josh | due Mon 14/02/2022, 6pm
lets you add tasks
Usage: odot new --name NAME [--due DUE]
(--exp-coef EXP | --lin-coef LIN [--lin-offset OFF
] |
--log-coef LOG) (-t|--tags TAGS)
add a new todo
$ ./**/odot/odot new --name "touch grass" -t life --log-coef 1 --due "13/02/2022 8pm"
date formatted like 29/03/2022 2pm
date formatted like 29/03/2022 2pm
a list of tags to add to the item, like -t "life work"
use the linear coefficient like --lin-coef 1
(1 to 5 advised)
use the exponential coefficient like --exp-coef 1
(1-5 advised)
use the logarithmic coefficient like --log-coef 1
(1-5 advised)
removes a list of tasks by indexes
$ odot remove -i "1 2 3"
marks a list of tasks as done
$ odot done -i "1 2 3"