Hi there, I'm Hrithik Bansal
echo "Let's proceed!\n";
Hi, I am Hrithik Bansal 👋, proficient in Web Development in a PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Redis, JavaScript, and Node.js enthusiast.
I have over 2 Year experience and learning top-notch technologies that enhance my skill sets.
My primary focus is on building Frontend, Backend web applications. I love building Dynamic, responsive, interactive, and completely SEO-friendly web applications.
- On the Frontend side I love to code in JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5 together with frameworks like Bootstrap.
- Backend side, love to work with PHP, MySQL, Node.Js, and MongoDB.
Eager to learn new technologies every day. It is something that allows me to be creative, and connect with people.
Aside from work, I am also an open-source enthusiast and have created projects that were listed in GitHub trending.
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