Hubspot is a marketing, sales, and service software that helps your business grow without compromise. Because βgood for the businessβ should also mean βgood for the customer.β
This library supports only legacy API
Please consider switching to the latest API.
composer require "hubspot/hubspot-php"
All following examples assume this step.
$hubspot = SevenShores\Hubspot\Factory::create('api-key');
// OR create with access token (OAuth2 or Private App)
$hubspot = SevenShores\Hubspot\Factory::createWithAccessToken('access-token');
// OR instantiate by passing a configuration array.
// The only required value is the 'key'
// Please note: as of November 30, 2022, HubSpot API Keys are being deprecated and are no longer supported.
$hubspot = new SevenShores\Hubspot\Factory([
'key' => 'demo',
'oauth2' => false, // default
// Then you can call a resource
// When referencing endpoints, use camelCase
You can find more information about oauth2 access tokens here and about private app access token here.
Note: You can prevent any error handling provided by this package by passing following options into client creation routine:
(applies also to Factory::create()
and Factory::createWithAccessToken()
$hubspot = new SevenShores\Hubspot\Factory(
'key' => 'demo',
'http_errors' => false // pass any Guzzle related option to any request, e.g. throw no exceptions
false // return Guzzle Response object for any ->request(*) call
By setting http_errors
to false, you will not receive any exceptions at all, but pure responses.
For possible options, see
It provides an ability to turn on retry for failed requests with statuses 429 or 500. You can read more about working within the HubSpot API rate limits here.
$handlerStack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create();
$guzzleClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $handlerStack]);
$config = [
'key' => 'access token',
'oauth2' => true,
$hubspot = new \SevenShores\Hubspot\Factory($config, new \SevenShores\Hubspot\Http\Client($config, $guzzleClient));
$contact = $hubspot->contacts()->getByEmail("");
echo $contact->properties->email->value;
// Get an array of 10 contacts
// getting only the firstname and lastname properties
// and set the offset to 123456
$response = $hubspot->contacts()->all([
'count' => 10,
'property' => ['firstname', 'lastname'],
'vidOffset' => 123456,
Working with the data is easy!
foreach ($response->contacts as $contact) {
echo sprintf(
"Contact name is %s %s." . PHP_EOL,
// Info for pagination
echo $response->{'has-more'};
echo $response->{'vid-offset'};
or if you prefer to use array access?
foreach ($response['contacts'] as $contact) {
echo sprintf(
"Contact name is %s %s." . PHP_EOL,
// Info for pagination
echo $response['has-more'];
echo $response['vid-offset'];
Now with response methods implementing PSR-7 ResponseInterface
$response->getStatusCode() // 200;
$response->getReasonPhrase() // 'OK';
// etc...
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use SevenShores\Hubspot\Http\Client;
use SevenShores\Hubspot\Endpoints\Contacts;
$client = new Client(['key' => 'access token', 'oauth2' => true,]);
$contacts = new Contacts($client);
$response = $contacts->all();
foreach ($response->contacts as $contact) {
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use SevenShores\Hubspot\Utils\OAuth2;
$authUrl = OAuth2::getAuthUrl(
or using Factory:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use SevenShores\Hubspot\Utils;
$authUrl = Utils::getFactory()->oAuth2()->getAuthUrl(
If you see something not planned, that you want, make an issue and there's a good chance I will add it.
- Analytics API
- Calendar API :updated:
- Companies API :updated:
- Company Properties API :updated:
- Contacts API :updated:
- Contact Lists API :updated:
- Contact Properties API :updated:
- Conversations Live Chat Widget API (Front End)
- CMS Blog API (Blogs) :updated:
- CMS Blog Authors API (BlogAuthors) :updated:
- CMS Blog Comments API (BlogComments)
- CMS Blog Post API (BlogPosts)
- CMS Blog Topics API (BlogTopics)
- CMS Domains API
- CMS Files API (Files)
- CMS HubDB API (HubDB) :updated:
- CMS Layouts API
- CMS Page Publishing API (Pages)
- CMS Site Maps
- CMS Site Search API
- CMS Templates API
- CMS URL Mappings API
- CRM Associations API
- CRM Extensions API
- CRM Object Properties API (ObjectProperties) π
- CRM Pipelines API (CrmPipelines)
- Deals API
- Deal Pipelines API :deprecated:
- Deal Properties API :updated:
- Ecommerce Bridge API :updated:
- Email Subscription API :updated:
- Email Events API :updated:
- Engagements API
- Events API
- Forms API :updated:
- Line Items API π
- Marketing Email API
- Owners API :updated:
- Products API π
- Social Media API
- Tickets API
- Timeline API :updated:
- Tracking Code API
- Transactional Email API
- Workflows API :updated:
- Webhooks API