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An abstraction over a `wgpu::Buffer` that supports allocating and freeing memory like standard library functions, but for memory on the GPU.


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An abstraction over a wgpu::Buffer that supports allocating and freeing memory like standard library functions, but for memory on the GPU. A quick and dirty solution for when you have a bunch of constantly changing memory in a buffer that needs to be uploaded every frame without having to rebuild the buffer every frame.


Create an instance of any struct that implements GpuMemory<T>, for example SimpleGpuMemory<T>. Then you can allocate a section, get a mutable reference to it to write data, resize it or free it.

use wgpu_memory::{GpuMemory, simple::SimpleGpuMemory};

#[derive(Clone, Copy, bytemuck::Zeroable, bytemuck::Pod)]
struct Entity {
    position: [f32; 2],
    size: [f32; 2],

fn main() {
    // Setup wgpu instance, adapter, device and queue

    // Create a vertex buffer managed by `wgpu_memory`
    let mut mem = SimpleGpuMemory::new(wgpu::BufferUsages::VERTEX, &device);

    // You can now get what you need to create bind groups
    // with these functions:
    let _ = mem.buffer();
    let _ = mem.buffer_slice();

    // Allocate 1 * size_of::<Entity>() bytes in the buffer
    let address = mem.allocate(1);

    // Write the entity into the buffer
    mem.get(&address)[0] = Entity {
        position: [10.0, 50.0],
        size: [2.0, 2.0],

    // In the render loop

    mem.upload(&queue, &device);

    // Free the memory when the address will no longer be
    // used. When the `GpuMemory` gets dropped, the entire
    // buffer gets deallocated so you don't need to free
    // any leftover allocated space.;


Using this library can make writing performant code easy, however for optimal performance there are some things to note:

  • Making edits to already allocated memory (e.g. using buffer.get(address) and writing to the slice) is an extremely cheap operation.
  • Allocating memory is also a relatively cheap operation, it will reuse previously freed memory and if not enough free memory is found, more memory gets allocated at the end of the buffer
  • Freeing memory is the most expensive operation of the three, when .upload() is called, all unallocated memory will have to be moved to the end of the buffer so that the buffer that gets sent to the gpu is a one continuous sequence of items with no holes. This ensures that you do not need to make any changes in your shader code. If after you free some memory, you allocate the same amount of memory, the slot will just be reused so it will be a very cheap operation after all.

In short, just like memory management on the CPU side, allocations are the costly operations, using the memory is practically free. Try to keep the amount of calls to .allocate() and .free() as low as possible in your update and render loops.

Memory Efficiency

Deallocating memory (e.g. calling .free()) does not actually deallocate it on the buffer, all it does is mark that section of the buffer as unallocated, to be reused by following calls to .allocate().

This of course brings efficiency into the question, so there's another function to optimize the buffer's efficiency: .optimize(strategy). This will actually deallocate every bit of unused memory and resize the gpu buffer to fit only the used data, nothing more. This also means that subsequent calls to .allocate() will be more expensive as buffer on the cpu will have to allocate more memory, and the gpu buffer will be resized and copied. In the case of a game engine, I'd recommend calling .optimize() after loading or unloading a scene, as it can reduce memory usage in some cases by 75%, and by doing it after loading or unloading is finished you can be quite sure that there won't be too many more calls to .allocate() and .free().

Quick Reference

pub trait GpuMemory<T: Copy + bytemuck::NoUninit + bytemuck::AnyBitPattern> {
    /// The index type to be used to access the memory
    type Index: Clone;

    /// The manner in which the buffer gets optimized
    type OptimizationStrategy: Default + Clone + Copy;

    /// Create a new managed buffer
    fn new(usages: wgpu::BufferUsages, device: &wgpu::Device) -> Self;

    /// Has the buffer been changed since its last upload
    fn mutated(&self) -> bool;

    /// Allocate `count * size_of::<T>()` bytes in the buffer
    fn allocate(&mut self, count: usize) -> Self::Index;

    /// Get a mutable slice to the allocated memory at `index`
    /// # Safety
    /// You may only use this function with addresses given by .allocate() and
    /// may not be used after .free()
    fn get(&mut self, index: &Self::Index) -> &mut [T];

    /// The amount of items allocated in the buffer
    fn len(&self) -> usize;

    /// The amount of items allocated in the buffer at this `index`
    fn len_of(&self, index: &Self::Index) -> usize;

    /// Resize the amount of allocated memory at `index`
    fn resize(&mut self, index: &mut Self::Index, len: usize);

    /// Deallocate the memory at `index`
    fn free(&mut self, index: Self::Index);

    /// Upload all allocated memory to the gpu
    fn upload(&mut self, queue: &wgpu::Queue, device: &wgpu::Device);

    /// Optimize the memory usage of the buffer using the strategy given in
    /// `strategy`
    fn optimize(
        &mut self,
        strategy: Self::OptimizationStrategy,
        queue: &wgpu::Queue,
        device: &wgpu::Device,

    /// Returns the wgpu::Buffer for use in creating a bind group
    fn buffer(&self) -> &wgpu::Buffer;

    /// Returns a slice of the buffer containing exactly all the elements in it
    fn buffer_slice(&self) -> wgpu::BufferSlice;

    /// Is the buffer empty
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() == 0

    /// Returns `self.len() * size_of::<T>()`
    fn size(&self) -> usize {
        self.len() * core::mem::size_of::<T>()

There are 2 built-in implementations of this trait:


Uses a normal buffer, adding COPY_DST to the buffer usages.

type Index = struct AddressId

An index to a list of address ranges in the buffer

type OptimizationStrategy = enum Strategy

  • Truncate: delete unused memory and resize the buffer to the smallest possible size to fit allocated items
  • SortSizeDescending: sorts allocated memory regions by their length from longest to shortest. This does not save any memory by itself, however it could make some future operations faster based on the kind of data stored in the buffer.
  • SortSizeAscending: sorts allocated memory regions by their length from shortest to longest. This does not save any memory by itself, however it could make some future operations faster based on the kind of data stored in the buffer.


let mut mem = SimpleGpuMemory::<Entity>::new(wgpu::BufferUsages::VERTEX, &device);

let index = mem.allocate(1);

mem.get(&index)[0] = Entity {
    position: [10.0, 50.0],
    size: [10.0, 10.0],

// Deallocate the memory at `index`;

AutoDropping<T, M: GpuMemory<T>>

A wrapper struct to wrap another GpuMemory buffer, any allocations will be automatically freed when their index goes out of scope. You should not call .free() on this, as it will free the unused memory automatically. This comes at a slight cost to every operation on the buffer, so consider this a choice of developer experience over user experience. The performance hit is trivial if the buffer isn't written to thousands of times every frame.

type Index = M::Index

The inner Index

type OptimizationStrategy = M::OptimizationStrategy

The inner OptimizationStrategy


let mut mem = AutoDropping::<Entity, SimpleGpuMemory<Entity>>::new(wgpu::BufferUsages::VERTEX, &device);

    let index = mem.allocate(1);
    mem.get(&index)[0] = Entity {
        position: [10.0, 50.0],
        size: [10.0, 10.0],

    // `index` is now out of scope and will automatically call `.free()`


An abstraction over a `wgpu::Buffer` that supports allocating and freeing memory like standard library functions, but for memory on the GPU.








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