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Human-Connection-Clock Frontend

This repository contains the Frontend part of the Human Connection Clock in form of a Wordpress plugin.

The purpose of the Human Connection Clock Frontend is to display the visual part of the Human Connection Clock, handle user interactions (especially registrations) and provide a basic administration surface for the Human Connection Clock through Wordpress.

The Human Connection Clock Frontend depends on the Human Connection Clock API, which acts as the Backend and takes care of storing and processing the data.

To find out more about the Human Connection Clock and Human Connection - the network behind it - visit

Tech Stack

  • PHP: The Frontend uses mainly PHP as programming language
  • Wordpress: The Frontend is running on Wordpress - the most used content management system
  • MySQL: Wordpress requires a MySQL database
  • JavaScript / jQuery: We use JavaScript and jQuery for the UX, user interactions and animations
  • CSS: We use CSS to style the Frontend
  • Composer: We use Composer to manage (PHP) dependencies
  • Webpack: We use Webpack to transpile and bundle the JavaScript

Project Structure & Components


  • coc/: Main directory for the Human Connection Clock Frontend Wordpress plugin
  • coc/assets/: Assets for the Frontend with subdirectories for css, images and js files
  • coc/classes/: Contains the PHP classes for the Frontend with the main class ClockOfChange.php and core and shortcode classes in the respective subdirectories
  • coc/config: Contains the Wordpress options for the plugin
  • coc/helper: Contains helper classes
  • coc/vendor/: Contains the dependencies (packages) that are managed by composer
  • coc/coc.php: Main Wordpress plugin file


The Human Connection Clock Frontend is running as a Wordpress plugin. This is why we need a Wordpress system, in which we can use the Human Connection Clock Frontend as a plugin.

When using the Docker installation, we provide a full Wordpress system with the Docker container. Otherwise you need to setup a Wordpress system manually. To setup Wordpress you need to have a webserver with PHP and a MySQL database. Then just follow the famous Wordpress 5-minute installation.



The Human Connection Clock Frontend comes bundled as a Docker Container, which enables you to run a Wordpress system with the Human Connection Clock Frontend plugin preinstalled and preconfigured out of the box.

Of course you need to have a recent version of Docker installed. If you don't have Docker, follow the instructions of the link. You can check the version like this:

$ docker -v
Docker version 18.09.1, build 4c52b90

To run the Docker installation, follow these steps:

  1. First you need to clone the git repository of the Human Connection Clock Frontend. Head to a directory where you want the git repository to reside and open the directory in the console. Then run git clone to clone the repository to this directory.
  2. Go to the newly created Human-Connection-Clock-Frontend directory (cd Human-Connection-Clock-Frontend in the console)
  3. Run docker-compose up. This will build the Docker container on first startup and run it. This can take a while, but after some time the system will be up and running.
  4. Install Wordpress once at http://localhost:8000
  5. To activate and configure the Human Connection Clock Wordpress plugin, enter docker-compose run --rm cli in the console. This also creates a sample page with all the available shortcodes.

Now you can use the Human Connection Clock Frontend in Wordpress at http://localhost:8000


If you do not want to use the docker version, you can also install the Human Connection Clock Frontend locally. This requires a Wordpress system for the Human Connection Clock to run in as a plugin.


Before starting the installation you need to make sure you have a recent version of Composer installed. E.g. we have the following versions:

$ composer --version
Composer version 1.8.4 2019-02-11 10:52:10

Composer: 1.8.4
OS: Windows 10

Installation & Usage

  1. First you need to clone the git repository of the Human Connection Clock Frontend. Head to a directory where you want the git repository to reside and open the directory in the console. Then run git clone to clone the repository to this directory.
  2. Go to the newly created Human-Connection-Clock-Frontend directory (cd Human-Connection-Clock-Frontend in the console) and run composer install. Now all the dependencies should install.
  3. Now you need to copy the coc/ directory into the Wordpress plugins directory wp-content/plugins/. Alternatively you can symlink the coc/ directory into the Wordpress plugin directory, see
  4. Now the Human Connection Clock Frontend should show up in your Wordpress system and you just need to activate it in the Wordpress Admin Backend under Plugins.

Now you can use the Human Connection Clock Frontend in Wordpress.



With the installation of the Human Connection Clock Frontend plugin in Wordpress, there will be two additional entries in the Wordpress Admin Backend:

Human Connection Clock Wordpress Backend

  • CoC Options: Settings for the connection to the Human Connection Clock API Server
  • CoC Entries: View & manage the entries in the Human Connection Clock. Enable/Disable entries here.


The Human Connection Clock Frontend needs to be connected to the Human Connection Clock API server in order to display the data, especially the entries.

First you need to import the definitions of the advanced custom fields into your Wordpress installation. In the WP Admin backend under Custom Fields -> Tools you need to import the field definitions you will find in coc\config\acf-export-2020-02-09.json.

To establish a connection, it is necessary to set the base url and a valid API key for the Human Connection Clock API server. This needs to be done under CoC Options in the Wordpress admin backend in the respective fields. You also should set the Recaptcha test values there, in order to successfully register entries.

For example when running the API server locally, this could be the settings:

Your API Key: secret
API base url: http://coc-api:1337
Recaptcha v2 Site Key: 6LeIxAcTAAAAAJcZVRqyHh71UMIEGNQ_MXjiZKhI
Recaptcha v2 Secret Key: 6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe

Please mind that a trailing slash for the API base url is not allowed.

Note: Due to problems with the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin and the Localization Plugin WPML, there is a second fallback config under coc\config\custom.php. Please never commit your config settings with Git, because it will be visible to everybody on GitHub. Only change the settings in the file on the live server.


After setting valid options for the Human Connection Clock API server, we can list and manage all the Human Connection Clock entries in the Wordpress admin backend under CoC Entries.

Here we will find a list of all the entries that are stored in the Human Connection Clock API server.

It is also possible to activate and/or disable an entry. When hovering over the status of an entry the links to activate or disable the entry show up.

DISPLAY Human Connection Clock

To display the visual parts of the Human Connection Clock in Wordpress, we ca use shortcodes. These shortcodes can be integrated into any Wordpress post or page inside any text element with the following syntax:


The shortcode needs to be placed inside of the square brackets and is then automatically replaced with the Human Connection Clock visual representation.

To see which shortcodes are available for the Human Connection Clock Frontend, please refer to the following list.


List of Human Connection Clock Frontend shortcodes for Wordpress:

Shortcode Description
[coc\shortcodes\shworld] Display the animated Human Connection Clock with the turning world animation and the counter
[coc\shortcodes\shsignup] Display the signup button
-Requires the coc\shortcodes\shsign shortcode
[coc\shortcodes\shsign] Display the signup modal with the form, which opens when clicking on the signup button
-Requires the coc\shortcodes\shsignup shortcode
[coc\shortcodes\shuserwall] Display the Human Connection Clock user wall with the entries
[coc\shortcodes\shcountries] Display the Human Connection Clock countries ranking
[coc\shortcodes\shlanguageselector] Deprecated: Display the language selector for the Human Connection Clock

RUN WEBPACK BUILD PROCESS In this project we use webpack to bundle and transpile JavaScript. This essentially means that we use a newer JavaScript syntax (ES6+), but compile this version to make it also possible for older browsers to run the Human Connection Clock (essentially IE9+).

Once you have installed the npm modules with npm install, you can run the webpack build process with command npm run build. If you do not want to enter this command after every change, you can run npm run watch. This watch and automatically trigger the build process, once a JavaScript file has been changed.

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Frontend for Human Connection Clock as a WordPress Plugin







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