This project is a VHDL implementation of the RC2014 Homebrew Z80 Computer targeting the following boards:
- Terasic DE10-Nano
- Terasic DE10-Lite
- Avnet Zedboard (tbd)
Currently the following peripherals are implemented:
- RC2014 PRO Bus with bidirectional data port attached to FPGA pins
- Z80 CPU using the T80 core
- Separate and configurable CPU and UART clocks
- ACIA 6850 UART System09 core
- 64K Internal RAM
- Selection of the following ROMS:
- Grant's Searle's CPM Monitor
- Steve Cousin's SCM S3 v1.0
- 64K Pageable ROM (currently with fixed 8K pages): Pageable ROM
- Pages 1 - 8 are selected from 3 switches on FPGA board
ROM can be configured for the following applications:
- Microsoft BASIC, for 32k RAM, 68B50 ACIA, with origin 0x0000
- Microsoft BASIC, for 56k RAM, 68B50 ACIA, with origin 0x0000
- CP/M Monitor, for pageable ROM, 64k RAM, 68B50 ACIA, CF Module at 0x10, with origin at 0x0000
- Small Computer Monitor for pageable ROM, 64k RAM, SIO/2 or 68B50 ACIA, with Microsoft BASIC and CP/M boot options
In progress:
- CF Flash emulator
- SD Card enulator
- Zilog SIO/2 Uart (planned to be a simple interface wrapper around the 6850)
- VGA VT100 terminal with PS/2 keyboard
- BusRaider interface
- To build your own RC2014 visit: RC2014 - Homebrew Z80 Computer or purchase on Tindie
- Grant Searle's MULTICOMP. However, where otherwise noted the work is my own
- Steve Cousin's Small Computer Monitor