#frequentPattern.py Generate frequent itemsets from vocab.txt and topic-i.txt to patterns/pattern-i.txt (where 0 <= i <= 4) using Apriori.
A dictionary that maps a term to an index.
format: index term
Columns are separated by a tab.
Input file of frequent pattern mining algorithms. Each line represents a transaction with indices of terms.
format: term1_index term2_index term3_index ...
Columns are separated by a space.
Output file of frequent pattern mining algorithms. Each line represents a transaction with frequent itemsets sorted in descending order of support count.
format: support_count term1 term2 ...
support_count and term1 are separated by a tab, while terms are separated by a space.
- topic-i.txt and vocab.txt should be at the same level as where frequentPattern.py is
- a directory called patterns should be created first
- command to run the script: python frequentPattern.py
#closedPattern.py Generate closed patterns from patterns/pattern-i.txt to closed/closed-i.txt (where 0 <= i <= 4).
##closed-i.txt The format is the same as pattern-i.txt.
- frequentPattern.py should be run first to generate the required input files patterns/pattern-i.txt
- a directory called closed should be created first
- command to run the script: python closedPattern.py
#maxPattern.py Generate max patterns from patterns/pattern-i.txt to max/max-i.txt (where 0 <= i <= 4).
##max-i.txt The format is the same as pattern-i.txt.
- frequentPattern.py should be run first to generate the required input files patterns/pattern-i.txt
- a directory called max should be created first
- command to run the script: python maxPattern.py