- ✨ My name is wuch (wucheng, 吴呈).
- 🔭 I’m currently working at WuXI, Jiangsu.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning C/C++, Rust, OpenGL.
- 📫 How to reach me: 1120644453@qq.com | wuchx19@gmail.com.
- 📢 I’m currently looking forward to a challenging job.
The following are my ongoning projects:
- Ray casting (光线投射)
- linear regression (线性回归)
- nfa (非确定有限状态自动机)
- dwb (dynamic white board; 动态白板; OpenGL & Animation; 类似 manim)
- dfa (确定有限状态自动机)
- Http server (HTTP 服务器)
- LL1 (LL1 语法解析)
- Automatic Differentiation(自动微分)
- wisp (SSG, Static Site Generator)
- youthos (YouthOS, Operator System)
- bilibMusic (TBD)