Hi, I’m Igor Ratajczyk, Eng aka @IRatajczyk.
Control Engineer.
I’m interested in ✨Computer Vision Systems✨ and Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control. I do enjoy Julia.
I'm look forward to collaborating on projects covering Vision Transformers, GANs and High Performance ML for edge devices.
📫 Should you be interested in collaboration or have any doubts about my projects (both Github and non-yet-publised ones) please contact me directly: igor@ratajczyk.eu
Here is brief summary of my projects, not every one of them is published in Github.
Project Name | Technology | Description | Link? |
HPC EA - Square Packing | Julia, Python | Evolutionary Algorithm implemented in Julia with Python interface for Square Packing Problem | HPC SP |
Distributed Island EA for Enroll | C# | Distributed Island Evolutionary Algorithm with Constraint Programming Solver for Problem of assigning Studends to Classes | IEA |
GAN Wild Cats | Python | Experimetns with GAN trained to generate images of wild cats | GAN |
Graph Decomposition | Python | Python implementation of decompostion algorithm of networkX graphs | Graph |
DSS4REI | C# | Decision support system for real estate investment - Web scrapers + DS algorithms with Windows Forms GUI | DSS4REI |
Aestheticæ estimation | Python | Aestheticæ estimation of images using CNNs | Aestheticæ |
Transformer based Tracker | Python | Transformer based Visual Object Tracker - implementation of paper | TBA |
Projector fine-tuner | Dart, Java, Python | Projector controller with mobile app for adjusting Projector perspective for user | TBA |
EA for OCR fine-tuning | Python | Evolutionary Algortihm for fine-tuning Computer Vision Algorthm for Optical Character Recognition | - |
Mobile app for Oral Description of images | Java | Mobile Andorid application for oral description of taken images for visually impaired people. | - |
RPG Manager | C# | Desktop app with ORM | - |
Verilog - Python Transpiler | Python | Simple as it is: Verilog 2 Python Transpiler | - |
Physical simulation of N-links pendulum | Python, Cython | Symbolic Extened Euler-Lagrange equations solver, simulation of pendulum with friction, animations | - |
Poker game with sockets | Java | Socket communication based Poker game | - |
XLSX2XML parser | Java | Parser of invoices: from Excel files to XML format | - |