A small hateoas libarry for .NET with fluent-like configuration and easey integrations with lambda expressions for building hateoas links with type mapping. Supports ease for custom hateoas output implementations.
HateoasNet targets NetCoreApp3.1 and Net Framework 4.72.
The latest stable version of HateoasNet can be installed using the Nuget package manager
Install-Package HateoasNet -Version <version>
dotnet add package HateoasNet --version <version>
or package reference.
<PackageReference Include="HateoasNet" Version="<version>" />
Before contributing, get started with our Contributing guide.
Please note we have a Code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.
using HateoasNet.DependencyInjection.Core;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// other registration...
services.ConfigureHateoas(context =>
return context.Configure<List<Member>>(members =>
.Configure<Member>(member =>
member.AddLink("get-member").HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id });
member.AddLink("update-member").HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id });
.Configure<Member>(member =>
.HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.GuildId })
.When(e => e.GuildId != null);
.HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id })
.When(e => e.GuildId != null && !e.IsGuildMaster);
.HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id })
.When(e => e.GuildId != null && e.IsGuildMaster);
.HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id })
.When(e => e.GuildId != null);
// other registrations...
using HateoasNet.Abstractions;
public class MemberHateoasBuilder : IHateoasSourceBuilder<Member>
public void Build(IHateoasSource<Member> resource)
resource.AddLink("get-member").HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id });
resource.AddLink("update-member").HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id });
.HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.GuildId })
.When(e => e.GuildId != null);
.HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id })
.When(e => e.GuildId != null && !e.IsGuildMaster);
.HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id })
.When(e => e.GuildId != null && e.IsGuildMaster);
.HasRouteData(e => new { id = e.Id })
.When(e => e.GuildId != null);
using HateoasNet.DependencyInjection.Core;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// other registrations...
// setup applying map configurations from classes in separated files
services.ConfigureHateoas(context => context
.ApplyConfiguration(new GuildHateoasBuilder())
.ApplyConfiguration(new ListGuildHateoasBuilder())
.ApplyConfiguration(new MemberHateoasBuilder())
.ApplyConfiguration(new ListMemberHateoasBuilder())
.ApplyConfiguration(new InviteHateoasBuilder())
.ApplyConfiguration(new InvitesHateoasBuilder()));
// other registrations...
using HateoasNet.DependencyInjection.Core;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// other registrations...
// setup applying configurations from IHateoasSourceBuilder implementations in separated files found in a given assembly
services.ConfigureHateoas(context => context.ConfigureFromAssembly(typeof(GuildHateoasBuilder).Assembly));
// other registrations...
using HateoasNet;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collection.Generics;
public class MembersController : ControllerBase
private readonly IHateoas _hateoas;
private readonly List<Member> _members;
public MembersController(List<Member> members, IHateoas hateoas)
_hateoas = hateoas;
_members = members;
[HttpGet("{id:guid}", Name = "get-member")]
public IActionResult Get(Guid id)
var member = _members.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id == id);
var links = _hateoas.Generate(member);
return member != null ? Ok(new { data = member, links }) : NotFound() as IActionResult;
using HateoasNet;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
public class DictionaryHateoas : AbstractHateoas<ImmutableDictionary<string, object>>
public DictionaryHateoas(IHateoas hateoas) : base(hateoas)
protected override ImmutableDictionary<string, object> GenerateCustom(IEnumerable<HateoasLink> links)
return links.ToImmutableDictionary(x => x.Rel, x => (object)new { x.Href, x.Method });
using HateoasNet.DependencyInjection.Core;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// other registrations...
// optional step to register all custom IHateoas<T> implementations in separated files found in a given assemblies
services.RegisterAllCustomHateoas(new Assembly[] { typeof(Startup).Assembly }, ServiceLifetime.Scoped)
// other registrations...
using HateoasNet;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GuildsController : ControllerBase
private readonly IHateoas<ImmutableDictionary<string, object>> _hateoas;
private readonly List<Guild> _guilds;
public GuildsController(List<Guild> guilds, IHateoas<ImmutableDictionary<string, object>> hateoas)
_hateoas = hateoas;
_guilds = guilds;
[HttpGet("{id:guid}", Name = "get-guild")]
public IActionResult Get(Guid id)
var guild = _guilds.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id == id);
var links = _hateoas.Generate(guild);
return guild != null ? Ok(new { data = guild, links }) : NotFound() as IActionResult;
Project conceived by @icarotorres : icaro.stuart@gmail.com, then owner of this repository.