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Stereolabs ZED Camera - ROS2 Foxy Fitzroy (Ubuntu 20.04)

Note: if you are searching for a version of the ROS2 wrapper running on an Nvidia Jetson based on Ubuntu 18.04 that does not require recompiling ROS2 from source, please check out the eloquent branch, the official ROS2 version running on Ubuntu 18.04.

This package lets you use the ZED stereo cameras with ROS2. It provides access to the following data:

  • Left and right rectified/unrectified images
  • Depth data
  • Colored 3D point cloud
  • Position and Mapping
  • Sensors data (not available with ZED)
  • Detected objects (not available with ZED)
  • Persons skeleton (not available with ZED)

More information

Known issues

Image Transport and topic subscriptions

There is an IMPORTANT issue with the function CameraPublisher::getNumSubscribers preventing the correct counting of the number of nodes subscribing one of the topics published by an image_transport::CameraPublisher object and hence stopping the correct publishing of the subscribed topics.

The only known solution is to install the exact version v3.0.0 of the image_transport package, published on 2021-05-26, that contains the fix for this issue.

To install the working version from the sources:

$ cd <colcon_workspace>/src # Access the source folder of your colcon workspace
$ git clone --branch 3.0.0 --single-branch # clone the "v3.0.0" branch of the "image_common" repository
$ cd <colcon_workspace> # Go back to the root of your colcon workspace
$ colcon build --symlink-install # Compile everything and install

Close the console and re-open it to apply the modifications.

Image Transport Plugins and compressed topics

The image_transport_plugins package is not correctly working with ROS2 Foxy (see here, here, here, and here). We suggest you remove it to avoid many annoying warning messages until the ROS2 developers do not fix it or we find a workaround:

$ sudo apt remove ros-foxy-image-transport-plugins ros-foxy-compressed-depth-image-transport ros-foxy-compressed-image-transport



Build the package

The zed_ros2_wrapper is a colcon package.

Note: If you haven’t set up your colcon workspace yet, please follow this short tutorial.

To install the zed_ros2_wrapper, open a bash terminal, clone the package from Github, and build it:

$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/ #use your current ros2 workspace folder
$ git clone  --recursive
$ cd ..
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args=-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ echo source $(pwd)/install/local_setup.bash >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

Note: If rosdep is missing you can install it with:

$ sudo apt-get install python-rosdep python-rosinstall-generator python-vcstool python-rosinstall build-essential

Note: The option --symlink-install is very important, it allows to use symlinks instead of copying files to the ROS2 folders during the installation, where possible. Each package in ROS2 must be installed and all the files used by the nodes must be copied into the installation folders. Using symlinks allows you to modify them in your workspace, reflecting the modification during the next executions without the needing to issue a new colcon build command. This is true only for all the files that don't need to be compiled (Python scripts, configurations, etc.).

Note: If you are using a different console interface like zsh, you have to change the source command as follows: echo source $(pwd)/install/local_setup.zsh >> ~/.zshrc and source ~/.zshrc.

Update the local repository

To update the repository to the latest release you must use the following command to retrieve the latest commits of zed-ros2-wrapper and of all the submodules:

$ git checkout master # if you are not on the main branch  
$ git pull --recurse-submodules # update recursively all the submodules

Remember to always clean the cache of your colcon workspace before compiling with the colcon build command to be sure that everything will work as expected:

$ cd <catkin_workspace_root>
$ rm -rf install
$ rm -rf build
$ rm -rf log
$ colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args=-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Starting the ZED node

To start the ZED node, open a terminal and use the CLI command ros2 launch:


$ ros2 launch zed_wrapper

ZED Mini:

$ ros2 launch zed_wrapper

ZED 2:

$ ros2 launch zed_wrapper

ZED 2i:

$ ros2 launch zed_wrapper

The,, and are three Python scripts that automatically start the ZED node using "manual composition", loading the parameters from the correct "YAML files" and creating the camera model from the correct "URDF file".

Note: You can set your own configurations modifying the parameters in the files common.yaml, zed.yaml zedm.yaml, zed2.yaml and zed2i.yaml available in the folder zed_wrapper/config. For full descriptions of each parameter, follow the complete guide here.

Rviz visualization

Example launch files to start a pre-configured Rviz environment to visualize the data of ZED, ZED Mini, ZED2, and ZED2i cameras are provided in the zed-ros2-examples repository

SVO recording

SVO recording can be started and stopped while the ZED node is running using the service start_svo_recording and the service stop_svo_recording. More information

Object Detection

The SDK v3.0 introduces the Object Detection and Tracking module. The Object Detection module is available only with a ZED 2 or ZED 2i camera.

The Object Detection can be enabled automatically when the node start setting the parameter object_detection/od_enabled to true in the file zed2.yaml or zed2i.yaml.

The Object Detection can be enabled/disabled manually calling the services enable_obj_det.

Spatial Mapping

The Spatial Mapping can be enabled automatically when the node start setting the parameter mapping/mapping_enabled to true in the file common.yaml. The Spatial Mapping can be enabled/disabled manually calling the services enable_mapping.

2D mode

For robots moving on a planar surface it is possible to activate the "2D mode" (parameter pos_tracking/two_d_mode in common.yaml). The value of the coordinate Z for odometry and pose will have a fixed value (parameter pos_tracking/fixed_z_value in common.yaml). Roll and pitch and relative velocities will be fixed to zero.

Examples and Tutorials

Examples and tutorials are provided to better understand how to use the ZED wrapper and how to integrate it in the ROS2 framework. See the zed-ros2-examples repository

Rviz2 visualization examples

  • Example launch files to start a preconfigured instance of Rviz displaying all the ZED Wrapper node information: zed_display_rviz2
  • ROS2 plugin for ZED2 to visualize the results of the Object Detection module (bounding boxes and skeletons): rviz-plugin-zed-od



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  • C++ 89.9%
  • Python 6.8%
  • CMake 2.5%
  • C 0.8%