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Akin C edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the Javascript-storing-private-data- wiki!

This repository is part of a larger project!


In other highlevel programming languages(like C++) information hiding is often a standard possibility. In javascript information hiding could be done by using closure.

A class structure seen in the next picture

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could be done as follows:

function myClass()
    // Private member variable
    var myAttribute = 0;
    // First method
    this.setAttribute = function(attribute)
        myAttribute = attribute;
    // Second method
    this.getAttribute = function()
        return myAttribute;

// Instance
myInstance = new myClass();

// Outputs 0


// Outputs 42

Because of javascripts closure ability, the variable myAttribute in the code snippet should be private. This means that a direct access to the variable with e.g. myInstance.myAttribute should not be possible. A self made access to the variable would offer the class methods this.setAttribute and this.getAttribute.


The user interaction part should look like the content as seen below by starting "index.html" in a web browser.

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  • Every cup in the picture should be clickable.
  • Only one cup should be the right one and left clicking it, would give positive points. The other cups would give negative points if left clicked.
  • The riddle offers an option for compensating negative points. The answer would be checked automatically by giving the correct input.
  • Positive points for correct cup would be 50 when left clicked.
  • Positive points for riddle would be 30 when answered correctly.
  • Negative points for incorrect cups would be -15 when left clicked.
  • Maximal rounds would be 5 when played to the end.
  • 🅱️ utton "RESTART" should refreshe the page.

To use the project just download the files and execute "index.html". Note that all files(folder "wiki_images" excluded) should be placed in the same folder so that the functionality of the code is guaranteed.

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