This is a use case for transportation system.
Postgres is used to manage database.
- First Video Demo for Developers:
in this video, I introduced our problem and the fundamentals of the solution.
And created two first features: (1)get-buses (2)insert-bus
then I used some basic actions:
- JSON / Decode
- String / Join
- Postgres / Query
- Second Video Demo for Developers:
using new actions:
- Iteration / For-Each
- Array / Insert-at
- Array / Sort
- Data / Set
Also, to do similar actions in API AutoFlow, we used " Copy / Paste ".
- Third Video Demo for Developers:
in this video we presented:
- Timers
- Files
- Flows
- integration with Slack Webhook
- New features after "Third Video":
- EndPoint: /insert-bus-route : to insert/update bus route
request-body: bus_id & station_id[]
- EndPoint: /update-timers : turns timers on/off
request-body: {"update":"on/off","check":"on/off","clean":"on/off"}
"update" = "update bus position" timer
"check" = "check bus situation" timer
"clean" = "clean bus_position table" timer
- EndPoint: /simulate-position: this is a GET method to resieve different positions for bus_1
every GET request recieves different Lat&Long