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A set of Powershell modules designed to extend Psake with common functionality, but also useful for any build or continuous delivery system powered by PowerShell


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A set of Powershell modules for sweetening Psake.

Enhances Psake with some commonly needed functionality when using a build server such as Jenkins. Useful not only for any build or continuous delivery system, but also in other scenarios where PowerShell scripts are used for maintenance.

Using with Psake

These modules may be imported by modifing the psake-config.ps1 and adding something like


The recommendation is to bootstrap the build process before passing control over to Psake. Typically this is used to configure the environment, add standard tool paths to the system path, and make certain that any other build dependencies are installed and/or configured.

A standard build.ps1 is included in the directory for convenience that bootstraps VsVars32.bat, Nuget and Psake.

Configuring Under Jenkins

If you use the Jenkins log parser plugin, you probably want to have Psake error parse like MSBuild errors. Unfortunately Psake doesn't produce build server friendly output, but we can fix that.

A .NET parsing rules file in Jenkins (stored in the JENKINS_HOME directory) will generally look like:

# Divide into sections based on project compile start
start /^------/

# Compiler Error
error /(?i)error [A-Z]+[0-9]+:/
error /MSBUILD : (?i)error :/
error /\(\d+(,\d+)?\): (?i)error [A-Za-z]*:/

# Compiler Warning
warning /(?i)warning [A-Z]+[0-9]+:/

To produce output conducive to use in Jenkins, we can steal a page from the books of other dynamic languages, and override the internal Psake calls to change the output (in effect, monkey patching Resolve-Error with the one from Midori).

The following would be placed at the top of the default.ps1 file (or whatever you have configured as $config.buildFileName in Psakes psake-config.ps1

$originalResolveError = (Get-Item Function:\Resolve-Error).ScriptBlock

function Resolve-Error
  $msg = &$originalResolveError $args
  $msg += "Error PSAKE1: {0}: `n{1}" -f (Get-Date), (&$originalResolveError $args -Short)

  return $msg

Hopefully this patch will be rendered unnecessary one day - the issue is here

Included Modules

BuildTools - A set of helpers for common build related tasks

  • Invoke-AuthenticodeSignTool - Will find signtool.exe based on common locations and will exeucte it.
  • New-ZipFile - Will create or add to an existing zip file with the given list of files, and can re-root the paths. Depends on 7Zip (not included), but easy enough to restore with Nuget - see build.ps1 bootstrapper above.


  • Add-AnnotatedContent - Concatenates files from a given folder into another file, annotating the source folder and filenames in C# / SQL compatible comments.


  • Send-HipChatNotification - Given the current HipChat token, can send info to a given chat room, including specifying colors, etc.


  • Invoke-XUnit - Will create a temporary .xunit file, will execute XUnit against it, and will write results Xml to disk, automatically merging NUnit style output, so that it may be easily used with, for instance, the Jenkins xUnit Plugin
  • New-XUnitProjectFile - Will create a .xunit project file given a list of assemblies, and a given output format. Called automatically by Invoke-XUnit
  • New-MergedNUnitXml - Merges NUnit specific format into a single file, summarizing the result information. Called automatically by Invoke-XUnit


  • Get-JenkinsS3Build - Will use a Jenkins job name and either a specific integer build id or will use the REST api and a given build result, to download the build assets from S3. Relies on the S3 plugin being installed in Jenkins.

Powershell-Contrib - A number of miscellaneous PowerShell helpers.

  • Stop-TranscriptSafe - Safely stops transcription, even in hosts (such as WinRM) that do not support it. Will not add to the global $Error object.
  • Select-ObjectWithDefault - This is similar to a safe navigation operator, where an error will not be thrown if a property does not exist on a given object. Furthermore, can return a default value if the prop doesn't exist.
  • Resolve-Error - Derived from the Jeffrey Snover original, but enhanced in a number of ways. Provides a one-line summary output (with special handling of SqlException), can accept pipeline input, etc.
  • Get-CredentialPlain - A wrapper around Get-Credential that works around the verbosity of newing up credentials from plain text.
  • Test-TranscriptionSupported - A means of checking for transcription support in the current host.
  • Test-Transcribing - A means of checking to see if the host is currently in the process of transcribing.
  • Remove-Error - Will clear the last X number of errors from the given $Error object. By default will clear from $global:Error
  • Start-TempFileTranscriptSafe - Will start transcribing the current host if it is possible, and will return the temp file name of the transcript file.
  • Get-TimeSpanFormatted - A simple .NET 2 safe timespan format of HH:MM:SS since TimeSpan.Format is a .NET 4 facility.
  • Get-SimpleErrorRecord - Will create a Management.Automation.ErrorRecord given just a text string (by creating a dummy Exception)
  • Compare-Hash - Will return a $true or $false value when comparing two Powershell hash objects - Compare-Hash @${Key = Value;} @${Key = Value;}

PsGet-Loader - Some helpers for PsGet

  • Install-PsGet - Will install PsGet to the current user module directory.
  • Install-CommunityExtensions - Will install the PsCx, first ensuring that PsGet is installed.

Remoting - Some WinRM helpers

  • Export-ModuleToSession - Will take modules out of the current session and try to push them to the remote session. This has a number of caveats, including being able to find the psm1 files on disk -- if the simple resolution process fails, this won't work. Prefer to use Export-SourceModuleToSession.
  • Export-SourceModuleToSession - This is the magic I could come up with for sharing modules across the wire. The local module files are copied to the remote machine by using a PSSession instance and passing the contents of the files as strings. They are rehydrated on the remote machine, written to temp and Import-Module is run against them so they become available to the session. This functionality should be built in to PowerShell, but it's not. Only remote sessions can be exported to a local session, but not the other way around.

Sql - Some helpers for working with SQL installs.

This can be useful for setting up integration tests or similar.

  • New-SqlDatabase - Creates a new database using SMO. By default, SMO v10 is searched for and imported. The database can be detached afterwards, to ship with the build assets for instance, or the -NoDetach flag can be used to keep the database around afterwards. SMO style scripts with the GO delimiter are perfectly acceptable here.
  • Invoke-SqlFileSmo - Executes a SQL script file against a SQL Server. SMO style scripts with the GO delimiter are perfectly acceptable here.
  • Remove-SqlDatabase - Synonymous with 'Detach' - doesn't delete files from disk.
  • Transfer-SqlDatabase - Uses SMO transfer objects to create a backup copy of a live database. Slower, but safer (typically not needed in a build server sceario)
  • Backup-SqlDatabase - Creates a full database backup using SMO, to a .bak file
  • Restore-SqlDatabase - Restores a .bak file to a new database, providing the ability to rename both the files and database itself.
  • Copy-SqlDatabase - Provides either a backup/restore of an existing database, or a transfer. By default, provides the simpler backup/restore which is generally all that would ever be necessary on a build server.
  • Get-SqlDatabases - Lists the database names on a given instance / server.
  • Get-SqlServer - Retrieves an SMO database instance
  • Restart-SqlServer - Restarts a server service and waits for it to come back online

SourceControl - Some DVCS helpers for Git or Mercurial

  • Get-BranchName - Returns the current branch name for the current working directory, should one exist.

Network - some helpers for common network tasks

  • Get-NetworkTime - Returns a NTP data structure that can be used to do time sensitive synchronizations.

Ini - Helpers for reading and writing INI files

Includes support for nested INI sections such as [[foo]]

  • Get-IniContent - Reads an INI file into an OrderedDictionary - the object can be modified like a Hashtable, but preserves ordering for round-tripping through Out-IniFile
  • Out-IniFile - Writes an INI file from an OrderedDictionary or Hashtable Powershell 3 users may use: $config = [ordered]@{ Section = [ordered]@{ Name = 'Value' }}

Nuget - Helpers for dealing with NuGet packages

  • Test-NuGetDependencyPackageVersions - Reads all packages.config files beneath a given directory, writing errors if the versions are not matched, or if the relevant .csproj files refer to different versions than what is specified in packages.config.
  • Get-NuGetDependencyPackageVersions - Reads all packages.config files beneath a given directory
  • Find-NuGetPackages - Searches a given Nuget feed source for packages matching a given substring.
  • Get-NuGetPackageSpecs - Search a given path for .nuspec files, builds a Hashtable of package id as the key and the Xml as the value
  • Publish-NuGetPackage - Publishes a set of packages. Can specify the source, api key, packages to include and some additional variables. Designed in a build server friendly manner where the source and API key are read automatically from NUGET_SOURCE and NUGET_API_KEY environment variables. While this cmdlet can handle .nuspec files that are sidecars to .csproj files that use metadata like $id$, its recommended that .csproj files are not configured in this manner as it is more costly to process them.

VsVars - Helpers for loading Visual Studio command line tools

For automatic import of these into a user's profile, install Posh-VsVars with Chocolatey cinst posh-vsvars.

  • Get-VsVars - Will find and load the vsvars32.bat file for the latest Visual Studio version installed (or the one specified), and return the values in a hash
  • Set-VsVars - Will find and load the vsvars32.bat file for the latest Visual Studio version installed (or the one specified), and will extract the environment information into the current shell session.

Release Notes

  • Added Get-VsVars cmdlet
  • Added Set-VsVars cmdlet

  • Get-NuGetDependencyPackageVersions now scans .csproj files to ensure that the file referenced in the project is the same as the one in packages.config
  • Allow any of the xunit runners, not just clr4 x64

  • Better handle exit codes from nuget.exe - propagate within Psake
  • Properly use the OutputDirectory when packing

  • Added Test-NuGetDependencyPackageVersions cmdlet
  • Added Get-NuGetDependencyPackageVersions cmdlet
  • Added Find-NuGetPackages cmdlet
  • Added Get-NuGetPackageSpecs cmdlet
  • Added Publish-NuGetPackage cmdlet

  • Added Restart-SqlServer cmdlet

  • Added INI read/write functionality with Get-IniContent and Out-IniFile
  • Added Get-SqlServer to inspect SQL server instances

  • Added Get-NetworkTime cmdlet to help with network time syncing
  • Get-JenkinsS3Build now uses Get-NetworkTime to avoid issues on client machines
  • Get-JenkinsS3Build fixes issues when a user provides the wrongly cased job names and gets S3 403 errors
  • Jenkins cmdlets now require Powershell v3
  • Fixed Nuget 2.1 compatibility issue in 'bootstrap' scripts

  • Added Get-SqlDatabases cmdlet for listing databases on a server
  • Added Get-BranchName cmdlet to list the current branch

  • Bug fixes for loading SQL module in PowerShell v3
  • Invoke-SqlFileSmo ate exceptions instead of rethrowing them
  • New-SqlDatabase was not honoring UserAccess setting
  • Remove-SqlDatabase adds -Force switch

  • Added NoDetach parameter to Copy-SqlDatabase

  • Invoke-SqlFileSmo gains a InstanceName parameter

  • Minor release fixes a bug in XUnit cmdlet that merges output
  • Improved Add-AnnotatedContent so that it now has an -Include switch to limit the extensions of the given files to concatenate
  • Fixed Add-AnnotatedContent so that it doesn't have to be run in Pipeline

  • Reworked zipping support so that it uses 7z.exe/7za.exe behind the scenes instead of DotNetZip as there were performance / memory issues with DotNetZip being used inside of PowerShell.
  • All SMO server connections Disconnect()

  • After much trial and error, added additional Sql cmdlets for backup/ restore, transfer, and detachment.
  • Minor tweaks to zip functionality / output. - Initial release

Future Improvements

Next in the pipeline -

  • Fleshing out Pester tests in a few spots where applicable - some things are quite difficult to test easily since they are dependent on external systems
  • NCover - Run Xunit tests under NCover to generate coverage reports
  • NDepend - Run the popular dependency analysis tool
  • Gendarme - Run the Mono static analysis tool (IMHO, better than FxCop)
  • FxCop - Run the Microsoft static analsyis tool

Many of these 'runners' I have combined in a set of MSBuild based scripts, and they just need to be ported over. The MSBuild scripts became a bit difficult to share and unwiedly, hence the port to PSake where they can become more modular and easier to use / share.


  • Of course, James Kovacs needs a big THANK YOU for creating a reasonable build system for .NET. I struggled with bending MSBuild to my will on numerous occasions, and it often felt like jamming a round peg in a square hole.. yes, many times you can make MSBuild do stuff you didn't think was possible, but between the batching design / syntax, the verbose xml- ification of everything, and the various details around targets and their outputs, you end up with something that no one else on your team can understand. Builds have a much better mapping to procedural code, and Psake brings sanity to the .NET world.
  • The icon was derived from the Creative Commons image by David Peters here


If you see something wrong, feel free to submit a pull request. Coding guidelines are :

  • Indent with 2 spaces
  • 80 character lines
  • All cmdlets should have documentation, including all their parameters
  • 72 character lines for documentation


A set of Powershell modules designed to extend Psake with common functionality, but also useful for any build or continuous delivery system powered by PowerShell







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