Web page with the function to receive an input, encrypt it and decrypt it
- atencion.png: It is a warning symbol
- index.html: It is a web page where you can find:
- Textarea where the user can write the message to encrypt or decrypt
- Encrypt buttom: encrypts the message entered by user
- Decrypt buttom: decrypts the previously encrypted message that was entered by user
- Output label: It is a label located at the top right of the screen where the encrypted or decrypted text is displayed
- Copy buttom: copies the output label text to the clipboard
- logo.png: It is the Alura company logo
- script.js: It is a javascript file that contains the following functions:
- Encrypt function: It is a function that takes the text entered by the user and encrypts it with a default key, displaying it in the output label
- Decrypt function: It is a function that takes the text that was encrypted by the user and decrypts it with the key, displaying it in the output label
- Copy function: It is a function that copies the output label text to the clipboard
- Style.css: It is a file that contains the layout and ordering instructions regarding the appearance of the site and presents the contents of the page in an attractive way