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JVIM - Neovim Configuration for Java Development

Latest Release

JVIM is a Neovim configuration tailored for Java development. This documentation describes the plugins used and key configurations.

Project Requirements

To use JVIM effectively, ensure the following software is installed on your system:

  • Java: A Java Development Kit (JDK) is required for Java development.
  • npm: Node Package Manager, used for managing JavaScript packages.
  • yarn: A package manager that doubles down as a project manager.
  • git: Version control system for tracking changes in source code.
  • curl: A command-line tool for transferring data with URLs.


Provides better syntax highlighting and code manipulation using Treesitter.

A library of Lua functions used by many Neovim plugins.

Displays keybindings in a popup, helping you discover available keybindings.

Quickstart configurations for the Neovim LSP client, essential for integrating language servers.

A colorscheme designed for Java development.

GitHub Copilot integration for code suggestions.

A Telescope extension for browsing file history.

Automatically saves files on certain events, ensuring you don't lose changes.

Highlights and searches for TODO comments, making task tracking easier.

A fuzzy finder and more for Neovim, providing a powerful search interface.

A plugin for integrating external tools as language servers.

An auto-completion plugin for Neovim, along with dependencies like cmp-nvim-lsp, cmp-buffer, cmp-path, cmp-cmdline, LuaSnip, and cmp_luasnip.

Provides a statusline component that shows the current code context, helping you navigate your code.

A plugin to preview Markdown files in a browser.

A precompiled version of Eclipse's Lemminx plugin for XML support.

Key Configurations

JDTLS Configuration (java.lua)

  • Logger Setup: Initializes a logger for debugging purposes.
  • Mason and JDTLS Initialization: Verifies and sets up mason and jdtls.
  • Utility Functions: Checks and loads utility functions from io.github.israiloff.config.utils.

which-key Configuration (which-key.lua)

  • Marks: Shows a list of marks.
  • Registers: Displays registers on specific keybindings.
  • Spelling: Configured but disabled for showing spelling suggestions.
  • Presets: Controls the display of help for various default keybindings in Neovim.

Key Mappings

General Key Mappings

Key Combination Description
<C-h> Move to left window
<C-j> Move to lower window
<C-k> Move to upper window
<C-l> Move to right window
<M-l> Next buffer
<M-h> Previous buffer
<M-j> Move line down (normal)
<M-k> Move line up (normal)
<M-j> Move line down (visual)
<M-k> Move line up (visual)
<M-j> Move line down (insert)
<M-k> Move line up (insert)

LSP Mappings

Key Combination Description
gr Goto references
gD Go to declaration
gd Go to definition
gi Go to implementation
<M-p> Signature help
gt Go to type definition
<M-i> Show hover

Java Mappings

Key Combination Description
<M-5> Refresh Maven dependencies
<M-7> Toggle DAP UI
<M-8> Debug step over
<M-9> Debug continue
<M-0> Debug stop

which-key Mappings

Press <Space> to activate the which-key menu.

Key Combination Description
<Space>f Find Files
<Space>u Update configs
<Space>c Close buffer
<Space>q Quit
<Space>e Explorer
<Space>l Code Actions
<Space>l d Buffer Diagnostics
<Space>l w Diagnostics
<Space>l i Info
<Space>l j Next Diagnostic
<Space>l k Prev Diagnostic
<Space>l r Rename
<Space>F File
<Space>F h View the file’s history
<Space>F l View the file’s history incrementally
<Space>F f View every file in the repo
<Space>n Notifications
<Space>n l Show notification log
<Space>s Search
<Space>s b Checkout branch
<Space>s c Colorscheme
<Space>s f Find File
<Space>s h Find Help
<Space>s H Find highlight groups
<Space>s M Man Pages
<Space>s r Open Recent File
<Space>s R Registers
<Space>s t Text
<Space>s k Keymaps
<Space>s C Commands
<Space>s l Resume last search
<Space>s p Colorscheme with Preview
<Space>g Git
<Space>g g Lazygit
<Space>g j Next Hunk
<Space>g k Prev Hunk
<Space>g l Blame
<Space>g L Blame Line (full)
<Space>g p Preview Hunk
<Space>g r Reset Hunk
<Space>g R Reset Buffer
<Space>g s Stage Hunk
<Space>g u Undo Stage Hunk
<Space>g o Open changed file
<Space>g b Checkout branch
<Space>g c Checkout commit
<Space>/ Comment current line
<Space>P Plugins
<Space>P i Install
<Space>P s Sync
<Space>P S Status
<Space>P c Clean
<Space>P u Update
<Space>P p Profile
<Space>P l Log
<Space>P d Debug
<Space>p Projects
<Space>r Recent Files
<Space>a Open AI
<Space>a c ChatGPT
<Space>a e Edit with instruction
<Space>a g Grammar Correction
<Space>a t Translate
<Space>a k Keywords
<Space>a d Docstring
<Space>a a Add Tests
<Space>a o Optimize Code

Java which-key Mappings

Key Combination Description
<Space>j o Organize Imports
<Space>j v Extract Variable
<Space>j c Extract Constant
<Space>j t Test Method
<Space>j T Test Class
<Space>j u Update Config
<Space>j d t Debug - Toggle Breakpoint
<Space>j d b Debug - Step Back
<Space>j d c Debug - Continue
<Space>j d C Debug - Run To Cursor
<Space>j d d Debug - Disconnect
<Space>j d g Debug - Get Session
<Space>j d i Debug - Step Into
<Space>j d o Debug - Step Over
<Space>j d u Debug - Step Out
<Space>j d p Debug - Pause
<Space>j d r Debug - Toggle Repl
<Space>j d s Debug - Start
<Space>j d q Debug - Quit
<Space>j d U Debug - Toggle UI
<Space>j v Extract Variable (Visual Mode)
<Space>j c Extract Constant (Visual Mode)
<Space>j m Extract Method (Visual Mode)

Docker Container

You can use the Docker container configured in a separate project in a few simple steps.

  • Pull the image
docker pull israiloff/jvim:latest
  • Run the container with all ports exposed and with full access to your local docker
docker run -it -d --network host --name jvim -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker israiloff/jvim
  • Enter the container
docker exec -it jvim /bin/zsh


Welcome Screen




Which-Key Menu


File search with Telescope


Built-in Terminal (horizontal)
