Windows 10 Developer's Edition (Codename CEV2) is a customized version of Windows 10 aimed towards developers. It is based on Windows 10 Debloated BSE. This build is the version 2 of the now defunct Windows modding group WinGamo's Windows "Coding Edition" (hence the codename), and includes tools and software for development (primarily C++ and Python) and a few for power users.
Everything included in its BSE base, plus:
- Custom Wallpaper
- God Mode is enabled on the desktop
- Custom start menu layout
- Git Bash
- Neofetch
- CMake
- Python
- MinGW & GCC/G++
- gsudo
- terminal-SYSTEM
- ExecTI
- WSL 2 & Ubuntu
- Windows Terminal's+Edition.iso/file
Since I am in no way affiliated with Microsoft or the development of Windows and also do not hold any rights to Microsoft Windows, the terms of use are the same as Microsoft's.
This includes: Basing your own mod off of this build, using it for commercial purposes, or for personal use.
Since this is a customized mod, I would prefer if you could credit my GitHub page for the mod. Thanks!
For more information on how this was created, join the Windows Modding Discord.