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The video store example from Episode 3 of Based upon, but not identical to, the first chapter of Martin Fowler's classic book: Refactoring.


I made some changes from the original

  • Made a Maven project
  • Migrated the original text written in Junit 3 to Junit5

Step 1


  • Very old code like written by C++ programmer
  • Variables in some classes are placed at bottom
  • Test class has long lines which make us scroll horizontally right
  • Yuck
  • Tests pass


  • Break the strings in the test methods into multiple parts
  • Makes methods visible all in one screen
  • No scrolling to right needed

Step 2


  • All test methods are testing UI that is actual report
  • All they need to test is the amounts calculated
  • UI string test can be there in one of the tests for completeness
  • Repetition of UI strings introduce regression impact


  • Move all variables in all classes to top
  • Add assertions with code as below
assertEquals(9.0, customer.getTotalAmount(), DELTA);
assertEquals(2, customer.getFrequentRenterPoints());
  • Create the necessary methods required with IDE intellisense
  • Promote variables totalAmount and frequentRenterPoints to fields, keep init in current method
  • Remove the string comparison in first test
  • Just execute customer.statement(); to generate them

Step 3


  • Customer class is just generating a statement
  • It has nothing to do with a customer other than maintaining a variable of Customer customerName


  • Rename Customer class to Statement
  • Rename name in Statement class to customerName
  • Rename statement method to generate
  • Change all test methods to assert calculated values
  • Duplicate last test to maintain one of them as testing string
  • Add suffix format to the last method
  • Add suffix Totals to all other test methods
  • Keep the string comparison as is in last method

Step 4


  • Change Fred to Customer in customer name
  • Change the format method to reflect this change
  • extract field for new Movie("The Cell", Movie.NEW_RELEASE) with name newReleaseMovie1
  • extract new Movie("The Tigger Movie", Movie.NEW_RELEASE) into field newReleaseMovie2
  • change title of The Cell to New Release 1
  • change title of The Tiger Movie to New Release 2
  • change all movies to variables and titles to generic titles
  • change the format method to reflect the changes

Step 5


  • generate method of the Statement class
  • extract the statements which initialize to method named initialize()
totalAmount = 0;
frequentRenterPoints = 0;
  • Rename result variable to statementText
  • extract method for createHeader()
  • Change return value of createHeader() to MessageFormat.format()

Step 6


  • while loop in the generate method just adds rental lines to the statement


  • Extract while loop in method named createRentalLines()
  • Remove the params and eliminate side effects
  • Rename statementText to rentalLinesText in createRentalLines() method
  • Combine footer test strings and format to multiple lines
  • Extract footer logic to createFooter()
  • Rename initialize() method to clearTotals()
  • Change return value in createFooter() to MessageFormat.format()
  • Change the order of methods in order of calls
  • Step down method of ordering methods
  • Remove unused getCustomerName() method
  • Extract body of while loop from method createRentalLines() to method named createRentalLine()
  • Rename variable rentalLinesText to rentalLineText in method createRentalLine()
  • Rename parameter each to rental in method createRentalLine()

Step 7


  • Extract the switch statement into method named determineAmount() using comment content for name
  • Do not pass thisAmount variable
  • Rename variable thisAmount to rentalAmount in method determineAmount and createRentalLine
  • Extract frequentRenterPoints login into method determineFrequentRenterPoints
  • Modify method to make it simpler and return value without side effect

Step 8


  • Extract condition in determineFrequentRenterPoints method into a variable
  • Name it bonusIsEarned
  • Rearrange all calculations at top in createRentalLine
  • Extract formatting of rental lines into method formatRentalLines
  • Remove variable declaration
  • Change return value to MessageFormat.format() call
  • Inline variable for createRentalLine() method return value
  • Remove demeter law violation for rental.getMovie().getTitle()
  • In method formatRentalLines
  • Making method call like rental.getTitle()
  • Rearrange methods of Statement class for step down method

Step 9


  • determineAmount() method is not cohesive
  • It does not use any fields in statement class
  • It does not belong to Statement class
  • In fact, it should belong to Rental class as it uses methods from that class
  • same true with method determineFrequentRenterPoints


  • Move the method determineAmount() to Rental class as public
  • change calls to getMovie() and getDaysRented() to field variables
  • Move determineFrequentRenterPoints method to Rental class
  • change calls to getMovie() and getDaysRented() to field variables

Step 10


  • In Rental class determineAmount(), we use four things from movie and only one thing from Rental
  • This method hence belongs to Movie class
  • Same with method determineFrequentRenterPoints()


  • Add signatures of method like follows
public double determineAmount() {
    return determineAmount(daysRented);
public double determineAmount(int daysRented) {
  • Move the method with argument to Movie class
  • Fix the rental this issue
  • Same Move with determineFrequentRenterPoints() method to Movie
  • Inline priceCode in both methods

Step 11


  • determineAmount() in Movie is using switch
  • it should use polymorphic dispatch
  • we have to do this without breaking code


  • In Test class
  • Change the Movie class names to subclasses to create them with IDE
  • remove the second parameter from constructors as it is redundant now
  • In Movie class for determineAmount() method
  • use refactoring Push Members Down, keep in Movie as abstract
  • Run with coverage and remove unused code from all subclasses
  • Remove the type codes of Movies now as they are redundant
  • Change signature of constructor of Movie and remove priceCode

Step 12 - JAD Bonus


  • Go to settings > Editor > Code inspection > Code style issues
  • check instance field access not qualified with this
  • check instance method access not qualified with this
  • Run code analysis on videostore package
  • Fix all issues


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