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Set Token Vision and Light

Jag Goraya edited this page Aug 12, 2024 · 14 revisions

What this does

Opens a dialog for quickly changing vision and lighting parameters of the selected token(s).

  • Night Vision applies range enhancements to light sources, increasing visibility by 20 yards per rank.
  • The Blinded condition and Dark Vision trait are supported.
  • Light sources include candles, Davrich lamps, torches and Storm Lantern (shuttered, narrowbeam and widebeam).
  • Additional light emission sources include Petty Magic, Witchlight, Soulfire, Glowing Skin and Ablaze condition.


  • Ranges are provided in yards rather than grid spaces, and assume that the grid distance is also set to yards.
  • Light and vision can be set for multiple selected tokens simultaneously.


Vision Type

  • Vision settings are assumed to be used in dim light or night conditions, where there is typically some ambient lighting.
  • In daylight or bright conditions, global illumination in the scene is usually more relevant.
Vision Type Range (yards) Reference / Notes
Normal 5 Default distance can be adjusted by GM in module settings.
Blinded 1 Range is applied assuming the character is exposed to dazzling blindness conditions. True blindness may be better represented with the No Vision option.
Night Vision 20 per Rank + DimLight WFRP4e p141 and p339. Described as clear visibility. Range is set based on 20 yards per Talent Rank, plus available light source to reflect effective extension of illumination distance of light sources.
Night Vision requires that Darkness Level in the scene is at less than 100% or the token is emitting light (DimLight > 0) or global illumination is on for the scene (or any combination of these conditions).
Vision Mode: basic. Colour: null.
Dark Vision 120 WFRP4e p339. Equivalent to daylight. Default distance can be adjusted by GM in module settings.
No Vision 0 For use in pitch dark situations without ambient light. Clears token light emission ranges as well as sight.

Light Sources

  • Light source ranges provided in the rulebook are interpreted as dim at full range.
  • Pre-defined token settings for each of the light emission options are as below.
Source Light Animation Colour Reference / Notes
Matches Dim Radius: 5
Bright Radius: 2
type: “flame”,
intensity: 4,
speed: 4
colour: #ffaa00
alpha: 0.1
Matches are available as trappings for various careers, but no lighting information is provided in the standard rules.
Candle Dim Radius: 10
Bright Radius: 5
type: “flame”,
intensity: 3,
speed: 3
colour: #ffaa00
alpha: 0.2
Davrich Lamp Dim Radius: 10
Bright Radius: 5
type: “torch”,
intensity: 2,
speed: 2
colour: #ffaa00
alpha: 0.5
WFRP4e p309. Same range as Candle, with bright flare in explosive gases.
Torch Dim Radius: 15
Bright Radius: 7.5
type: “torch”,
intensity: 3,
speed: 3
colour: #ffaa00
alpha: 0.3
Not defined.(*) Assumed to be between Lantern and Candle, based on Petty Magic Light spell description.
Lantern Dim Radius: 20
Bright Radius: 10
type: “torch”,
intensity: 1,
speed: 2
colour: #ffcc66
alpha: 0.4
WFRP4e p309.
Storm Lantern (Broadbeam) Dim Radius: 20
Bright Radius: 10
type: “torch”,
intensity: 3,
speed: 3
colour: #ffcc66
alpha: 0.4
WFRP4e p309.
Storm Lantern (Narrowbeam) Dim Radius: 30
Bright Radius: 20
Emission Angle: 60
type: “torch”,
intensity: 3,
speed: 3
colour: #ffcc66
alpha: 0.6
WFRP4e p309.
Light (Petty Magic) Dim Radius: 15
Bright Radius: 7.5
type: “torch”,
intensity: 1,
speed: 1
colour: #99ffff
alpha: 0.5
WFRP4e p241. Same range as Torch by default. Intensity can be increased or decreased to Lantern or Candle.
Witchlight Dim Radius: 20
Bright Radius: 10
type: “chroma”,
intensity: 4,
speed: 2
colour: #99ffff
alpha: 0.4
WFRP4e p234. No range specified. Assumed as equivalent to a lantern based on description of a “glow” as bright as a “bonfire”.
Glowing Skin Dim Radius: 10
Bright Radius: 3
type: “torch”,
intensity: 5,
speed: 5
colour: #ffbd80
WFRP4e p184. Same range as a Candle.
Ablaze Dim Radius: 15
Bright Radius: 7.5
type: “torch”,
intensity: 9,
speed: 5
colour: #ff7733
intensity: 0.5
WFRP4e p167. No range specified. Assumed as equivalent to a Torch. No allowance made for size of affected character or number of Ablaze conditions in effect.
Pha’s Protection Dim Radius: WP Bonus
Bright Radius: WP Bonus
type: “sunburst”,
intensity: 4,
speed: 4
colour: #ffddbb
intensity: 0.6
WFRP4e p253. Range based on caster’s Willpower Bonus.
Soulfire Dim Radius: 15
Bright Radius: 7.5
type: “fog”,
intensity: 7,
speed: 7
colour: #ff7733
intensity: 0.5
WFRP4e p235. No range specified. Described as equivalent to Ablaze condition, with the caster bathed in unholy flames in the colour of their Lore.

(*) The Unofficial FAQ suggests 20 yards illumination for a torch, which would pitch it the same as a lantern.

Conflicts / Known Issues

  • No Vision sets vision distance to 0 yards, but any light source / emit value the token has (or that is in line of sight) will still provide illumination that the player will be able to see.
  • The native Foundry Transition to Darkness button will progress the scene's Darkness Level to 100%. This will be too dark for Night Vision to be applied unless the token has a light (characterised by a DimLight value > 0) or global illumination is on.



  • Version 7.0.0. FVTT 12 compatibility.
  • Version 6.0.3. FVTT 10.291. Improvements to effect presentation.
  • Version 0.9.5. FVTT 10 compatibility. Sight Range replaces dimSight and brightSight. Add Vision Mode support.
  • Version 0.1. Initial release.