Welcome to the Kaggle Playground Series S3E6 project! This repository contains all the essential files and scripts to participate in the competition. For a detailed overview, visit the Kaggle competition page.
Link - https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/playground-series-s3e6/overview
All attributes are numeric variables and they are listed bellow:
- squareMeters
- numberOfRooms
- hasYard
- hasPool
- floors - number of floors
- cityCode - zip code
- cityPartRange - the higher the range, the more exclusive the neighbourhood is
- numPrevOwners - number of prevoious owners
- made - year
- isNewBuilt
- hasStormProtector
- basement - basement square meters
- attic - attic square meteres
- garage - garage size
- hasStorageRoom
- hasGuestRoom - number of guest rooms
- price - predicted value
A. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
B. Feature Engineering
C. Data Preprocessing (custom transformers, scalers, imputer)
D. Model Training (Random Forest Regression)
E. Model Testing