- An online mobile voting application than enables users to publish any kind of voting event.
- Create event
- Vote
- Comment
- Search event
- Ionic
- Angular
- Cordova
- Firebase
- NVD3
- Fuse JS
- Install Node.js
- Install the latest ionic and cordova
$ npm install -g cordova ionic
- clone the repo"git@github.com:JavaScriptAcademy/TUT.git"
$ git clone git@github.com:JavaScriptAcademy/TUT.git
- install dependance
$ npm install
Then you are ready to start the APP
- To start the app, use the "ionic serve" command at git bash
$ ionic serve
###Have fun!
- Fiona Wang : https://github.com/YiranQiao
- Phil Yang : https://github.com/Phil-EPAM
- Yiran Qiao : https://github.com/strongRoseKey