This guide assumes you own a Hubitat Elevation home automation controller.
If you are interested in purchasing one, you can purchase a unit from the manufactures website at or from
- Setup env file
cp .env.example .env
- Fill in API keys in the .env file
- See Maker API Documentation for how to add the
application and to generate new API keys - If you are using the cloud API endpoint for access, you will ALSO need to include the Cloud API key as well
- See Maker API Documentation for how to add the
- You will need to deploy the application on a Linux VM with Docker installed
- The easiest thing to do is to copy your .env file and let Docker Compose handle the rest
- Just make sure to remove it after you've deployed, so you don't leave your API keys lying around :-)
- Having SSH keys setup will make the deployment easier
- You can also just copy the whole repo over manually and run the below docker commands
# You can run this from the repo root, just fill in your VM name
rsync -av --filter=':- .gitignore' . root@YOUR_VM:/pl_dev/
rsync .env root@YOUR_VM:/pl_dev/.env
ssh root@YOUR_VM 'cd /pl_dev/; docker-compose build; docker-compose up -d;' # Setup Env on remote box
rsync -av --delete --filter=':- .gitignore' . root@YOUR_VM:/pl_dev/
- You will need to setup a Rule Machine action on the Hubitat itself
<3 Lazydocker
Install Go-Task -->
task setup
task docker_build_and_run
task test