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Xic0 analysis code


Feb. 21, 2022 (kimc)

- AliAnalysisTaskSEXic0Semileptonic.cxx
	a. Extended all relevant histograms' pT upper limit (from 20 -> 24)
	b. Tested the update works well and cause no problem, by using:
		b-1. Grid, for both data (LHC18p) and MC (LHCMC3)
		b-2. Offline event selection macro (Xic0AnaMakeRoot)
	c. Plan to upload to AliPhysics for next train run


Feb. 7, 2022 (kimc)

- AliAnalysisTaskSEXic0Semileptonic.cxx
	a. Added zVtx info to Xic tree (MCXicTree->fVtxZ_PV)
	b. Addded zVtx is WRT primary vertex, NOT the cascade vertex (mcpart->Zv())


Oct. 21 (kimc)

- AliAnalysistask... .cxx
	a. Now updated pileup cut (MV) works properly for both MV and HMV0
	b. DEBUG: there was a bug in saving EventTree info -
	   it's likely substantial eXi pairs have been lost since last September (2020)

- AddTaskXic0Semileptonic.C
	a. By default "UseTrigHM" is on
	b. Masked out HMSPD trigger

- macro_kimc/Xi0cAnaMakeRoot.C
	now check pileup status by trigger by using variable EventTree->fPileup


Oct. 1 (kimc)

- AliAnalysisTask...
	a.	Newly added pileup rejection cut (based on ' AliRDHFCutsXictoeleXifromAODtracks ') is problematic
		a-1. It works as adding a flag on the cut object:
		     e.g., fEvtCuts->SetOptPileup(AliRDHFCuts::kRejectMVPileupEvent);
		a-2. No return statement was invoked - I'm afraid pileup events will be accepted in this state
		a-3. A bool type member function exists to check the pileup status:

	b.	Two cut objects exist by triggers: fEvtCuts (kINT7) and fEvtCuts_HMV0 (kHighMultV0)
		b-1. Pileup status depends on the trigger used? YES, IT DOES
			 * I see many cases of " MB is ok, but HMV0 is pileup "
		b-2. Added new tree variable to judge later:
		     fEventTree->fPileup 0 (no pileup in MB/HMV0), 1 (MB ok, HMV0 pileup) and 2 (MB pileup, HMV0 ok)

	c.	Wrapped AliNormalizationCounter objects by pileup status boolean variable:
		the events being counted by ANC are the ones " NOT piled up "

- /macro_kimc/Xi0cAnaMakeRoot.C

	a. New variable to deal with pileup status by trigger: EventTree->fPileup (L246)
	b. Invoke the condition during the event selection (L847)


Sep. 27 (kimc)

- macro_kimc/Xic0AnaMakeRoot.C
	a. Added new TH1 histogram " hRunNumber ", for data only (!IsMC)
	b. Fill each eXi candidate's run number after following cuts:
	   runnumber validity, trigger, multiplicity, INEL>0 (if invoked), Xi mass tolerance,
	   pair mass low limit, and dummy tree rejection
	   -> L874
	c. WARNING: this fill point is BEFORE the quality cut (VLoose, Loose, ..., VTight)

- macro_kimc/Xi0cAnaFunction.C
	a. FUnction " GetNormFac " : returns ANC->GetNeventsForNorm() for specific setup
	   * CAVEAT: require the train output (which has AliNormalizationCounter object)
	b. Function " GetRunFrac " : returns certain fraction of runs from given hRunNumber
	c. Function " GetV0xSec " : contains hard-coded V0 x-section values
	* To check how to use above a. - c., refer macro_kimc/Xi0cAnaExecute.C, L39 - L54


Sep. 17 (kimc)

- AliAnalysisTaskSEXic0Semileptonic.cxx
	a. Updated pileup rejection configurations
	b. Implemented # of contributors cut:
		b-1. For pp, nSPDTracklet < 20 : 3 (conventional, for low multiplicity)
		b-2. For pp, 20 <= nSPD... < 50 : 4
		b-3. For pp, nSPD... > 50 : 5
		b-4. For pA (pPb) : 5 (* NOTE exists in above link: PLEASE CHECK)


July 7 (kimc)

- AliAnalysisTask...
	a. 4 new AliNormalizationCounter objects are added to address INEL>0 separately
	b. Moved "INEL>0" judge point before applying cuts (pileup, vertex < 10)
	c. Not pushed to AliPhysics yet

- macro_kimc/Xic0AnaMakeRoot.C
	a. Modified function arguments to use a script (
	b. INEL>0 condition added for later use: currently disabled by default (conventional)
	c. Modified pT weighting function for MC: "1" will be applied if given parameters are 1, otherwise "expo"
	c. Unified all output histograms' binning
	d. Removed SPD trigger related part (some may still linger)

- macro_kimc/Xic0AnaFunction.C : collection of functions to be used in the XS analysis
	a. NOT finished yet
	b. Prepared: get norm factor from ANC, prefilter eff corr, unfolding, Xic0 eff corr, XS, and pT weighting
	c. No hard-corded parameters in each function: especially get pT binning from histogram

- macro_kimc/Xic0AnaExecute.C : steering macro for analysis
- macro_kimc/ : script for overall analysis


June 23 (kimc)

- Added 4 new AliNormalizationCounter objects to account INEL>0 :
	a. In code, fCntINEL0_MB_0to100, fCntINEL0_MB_0p1to30, fCntINEL0_MB_30to100, and fCntINEL0_HMV0_0to0p1
	b. In Tree, ANCINEL0_MB_0to100, ANCINEL0_MB_0p1to30, ANCINEL0_MB_30to100, ANCINEL0_HMV0_0to0p1


June 16 (kimc)

- Recovering analysis chain (still ongoing)
- Xi0cAnaMakeRoot.C
	a. Modified arguments interface for better script based handling
	b. Argument " INELLgt0 " is by default on (being applied) - watch out
	c. In " eXiPairTree() ", enforced all histograms' binning to be same (1st one, 0 < pT < 20)
	d. In " eXiPairTree() ", modified fit function definition again (expo only when parameters are not 1.0)
- Newly added


Mar. 24 (kimc)

- AliNormalizationCounter update
	a. Moved "StoreEvent" invoking point:
	   after "pileup rejection and Vtx->GetNContributors() > 1" and before |zVtx| < 10
	b. To match the events being analyzed and normalization factor obatained via ANC


Mar. 8 (kimc)

- Save a triggerbit for data only: for MC, 0 will be assigned
- Cleaned up some obsolete objects (items commented out, SPD histograms, etc)
- Bug (?) found: all trees' float type were "/f (24 bit truncated float)" -> updated to "/F (32 bit float)"
- Added hard coded run number cut to accept valid runs only (RUN2: 252000 - 295000)
- Added a boolean variable "fINEL" under EventTree: true for "INEL > 0"
	a. data: AliPPVsMultUtils::IsINELgtZERO(event) = kINT7 + SPD tracklets >= 1 + |eta| < 1"
	b. MC: require "IsPhysicalPrimary + IsCharged + |eta| < 1"
	   * Make sure to run "general purpose MC" during the train run, when you deal with "INEL > 0" !
- AliNormalizationCounter update
	a. For AliAnalysisTaseSE...,
	   a-1. Added 4 more counter object: MB_0to100, MB_0p1to30, MB_30to100, and HMV0_0to0p1
	        * Cannot use one common counter since official method accepts only integer multiplicity
	   a-2. New AliRDHFCutsXictoeleXifromAODtracks object (fEvtCuts_HMV0) added for HMV0
	b. For AddTask..., added above counter objects as container 8-11
- macro/kimc/Xic0AnaMakeRoot.C also updated accordingly


Feb. 10 (kimc)

- Added analysis macros for final cross section estimation
	a. Xi0cAnaMakeRoot.C (updated Xi topology cut after WDK)
	b. Xi0cAnaFunction.C (collection of xSec analysis subroutines)
	c. Xi0cAnaExecute.C (steering macro)


Jan. 25, 2021 (kimc)

- Added 2nd production macro (Xic0AnaMakeRoot.C) for analysis
	a. A few modifications compared to original, especially adding > 0 on several denominators
	b. Tested on Lego train output available at Jan. 25


Dec. 18 (kimc)

- Added TH2 histograms (fired trigger vs. mult) for nomalization purpose for data
	a. Histograms:
		a-1. hNorm_multV0: uses V0M centrality (fCentrality)
		a-2. hNorm_multSPD: uses SPD centrality (fCentrality)
	b. Conditions:
		b-1. Triggers: all (any trigger, 0), kINT7 (1), kHMV0 (2), kHMSPD (3), and 'kHMV0 || kHMSPD' (4)
		b-2. 1,000 bins assigned for multiplicity axis (bin width 0.1)
		b-3. Histograms are being filled after trigger check finished

	* 2nd update: histogram fillup moment changed (before: trigger only -> now: trigger + zVtx + PV)


Oct. 8 (kimc)

1. AliAnalysisTaskSEXi0c... is updated by Dr. Bok for compatability with pPb dataset
	a. pp: Get multiplicity from V0M
	b. PPb: Get multiplicity from V0A
2. Macro for LEGO train running: AddTaskXic0Semileptonic.C
	a. Added High multiplicity trigger option (bool UseTrifHM)
		a-1. By default it is disabled: only kINY7 will be used
		a-2. Add kHMV0 and kHMSPD triggers f enabled
	b. Tested at Grid: no problem


Sep. 9 (kimc)

1. Enforced EventTree sync to eXiTree
	a. EventTree is filled only if eXiTree is filled
	b. Added variable " fNeXiPair " under EventTree to enable event by event distinction:
	   if ( fNeXiPair != 0 ) it means those entries are duplication of same event
	c. Added " fVtxZ " under EventTree
		c-1. for data, fVtxZ = AliVVertex->GetZ()
		c-2. for MC, fVtxZ = AliAODMCHeader->GetVtxZ()

2. Updated fWeightFit to get the parameters via functions


Aug. 28 (kimc):

1. Added high multiplicity triggers feature
	a. Total 3 triggers (kINT7, kHighMultV0, and kHighMultSPD) can be toggled on/off in steering macro
	b. If more than 1 trigger (> 1) enabled simultaneously, triggerbit will be saved under EventTree
	c. To proceed at least one trigger (ex. kINT7) should be on
	d. "hEevntNumbers" histogram is updated accordingly

2. Added SPD centrality / # of SPDTracklets branches under EventTree
	a. EventTree->fCentrality : centrality calculated by V0M
	b. EventTree->fCentralSPD : centrality calculated by SPD
	c. EventTree->fNSPDTracklets : # of SPD tracklets of the event
	* Checked strong correlation in 'fCentrality:fCentralSPD' and in 'fCentralSPD:fNSPDTracklets'

3. Removed fRunOffset feature from relevant histograms
	a. Affected histograms: NumOfEvtperRun, NumOfe, and NumOfXi
	b. Now absolute run # saved in those histograms
	c. Double checked working properly in later step (MakeROOTResultsXic0.C)

4. Bug check: confirmed working properly in local/Grid, for both data and MC


Xic0 analysis code






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